Garry's Mod
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Dota 2 Juggernaut NPC/Player
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: NPC, Model
Addon Tags: Cartoon, Comic, Fun, Movie, Roleplay
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25 ott 2012, ore 3:02
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Dota 2 Juggernaut NPC/Player

That's my first player model ever, and getting followed by a horde of mini-juggernaut NPCs is hilarious.

The model comes from the Dota 2 files but I re-rigged it to the HL2 human male skeleton so he looks smaller and some of his animation will look a bit weird, but he's mostly awesome.
45 commenti
Hovolor 18 gen 2018, ore 5:59 
someone should fix this to be a working playermodel...
HuckaDuck 29 lug 2017, ore 16:53 
its says there is a npc were is said npc?
321 27 apr 2016, ore 11:59 
invoker would be dope as fuck, and epic model bro, imma use this for now on my darkrp server in my custom class!
invO 1 mar 2016, ore 1:49 
pls make invoker player model :steamsad:
EgorGik1994/s/ 8 dic 2015, ore 8:30 
Сделайте Сларка плииз
Exterminator of Evil 5 lug 2015, ore 13:06 
player model please
Exterminator of Evil 5 lug 2015, ore 13:00 
player model please pleaseeeeeeeeee
dage ya 9 giu 2015, ore 23:23 
кароч Джагернаут прирученный за вами может бегать ) если приказать
GoofyG0rilla 29 apr 2015, ore 17:56 
juggernaut is love
juggernaut is life
juggernaut is family
juggernaut is god
god is juggernaut
Killerdragon, Made of Fire! 21 mar 2015, ore 5:20 
since it doesn't work with the normal player model menu, use the model manipulator or pac3