Portal 2

Portal 2

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9. Mai 2012 um 16:15
9. Mai 2012 um 16:48

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In 1 Kollektion von Taxicat
Taxicat Tests
7 Inhalte
Hint: Stack it up
8 Kommentare
Le Petit Mort 19. Juni 2012 um 11:01 
Heh heh, I've seen this mechanic taken to further ends in a different map, but clever all the same; nice work!
kamggg 23. Mai 2012 um 18:18 
Wow, you're a nut, Eagleshadow! :) I like this map. Short and sweet! And I managed to do it the right way ;)
Eagleshadow 13. Mai 2012 um 12:02 
Oh i see now! That's a pretty cool intended solution, not as insane as mine but still pretty impressive xD
Taxicat  [Autor] 13. Mai 2012 um 11:00 
Intended solution: http://prntscr.com/978d9
Eagleshadow 13. Mai 2012 um 8:26 
@Stumpknocker I really don't know. I felt like I skiped part of the map, maybe I'm wrong, I hoped map author will tell me if it was intended sollution or not, since I wasn't totally sure.
Tuff McAwesome 13. Mai 2012 um 8:08 
Is that not how its supposed to be solved eagle? I did that was well, except I stacked the 2 cubes, i figured that was how it was meant to be solved. I liked it was a nice short puzzle.
Eagleshadow 10. Mai 2012 um 18:55 
I believe I managed to break this one aswell :D But this one was harder to break, I'll give you that, I had fun figuring this out ;)