Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

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Bomb Defusing 101
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Other: Bomb Casing
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2.429 MB
19 sept. 2017 à 14h03
2 mars 2019 à 5h46
3 notes de changement ( voir )

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Bomb Defusing 101

You thought this was going to be an easy bomb? Really?

It is recommended that you grab the Camera Zoom add-on as well.

Source code at
2 commentaires
Pan 4 janv. 2018 à 12h33 
wow amazing work i attempted it and got around 1/5 done lol
caitsith2  [créateur] 19 sept. 2017 à 18h41 
For the curious, here is the log [] for the bomb shown in the screenshots.