Portal 2

Portal 2

137 arvostelua
[PORTAL 2] The Jumping CUBE
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7.225 MB
3.10.2013 klo 16.50
3.10.2013 klo 16.56
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[PORTAL 2] The Jumping CUBE

Second room. You have to be very precisely !
4 kommenttia
EuroSong 20.10.2013 klo 2.46 
I like the concept, but it took several attempts to get the cube onto the faith plate correctly. Sometimes it would land on the first faith plate at an angle, which meant that it did not correctly hit the second faith plate. I'm glad I quicksaved before attempting the final move, otherwise I would have been annoyed.
mausilibaer 11.10.2013 klo 15.24 
Very nice one, thanks.
Mega Munchy 4.10.2013 klo 20.29 
Xbeekeeper 3.10.2013 klo 16.59 
That was Fun!!
Well made Map.
I have a new Map. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=18326254