Portal 2

Portal 2

348 arvostelua
Pump Station: Hanging Gardens
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8.777 MB
22.5.2013 klo 7.53
3.6.2013 klo 7.24
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Pump Station: Hanging Gardens

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä gladgirl83
Pump Stations
6 luomusta
Plug the leak with your partner.
4 kommenttia
gladgirl83  [tekijä] 3.6.2013 klo 7.17 
I've finally got my primary test subject to start testing these with me, and he says the same thing. Coming soon: better-lit, less annoying pump stations!
DrFauli 3.6.2013 klo 6.17 
Nice map, great puzzles... BUT please add light strips.
These dark maps are extremly annoying! =/
LittleFinchy 27.5.2013 klo 10.06 
looks fun i'll give it a try :)
can you please play my new test at http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=147863771