Portal 2

Portal 2

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4.054 MB
23.4.2013 klo 5.47
1 muutos ( näytä )
2 kokoelmassa, tekijä Geneosis
Geneosis' Logic Chambers
50 luomusta
Geneosis' Easy Chambers
23 luomusta
An easy little test chamber to discover a unusual testing element : the blinking fizzler ^^
The mechanism is a bit noisy, so think about hiding it if you want to use it in your own maps.

Check the Superposition Fizzler maps made by 8MMW for more puzzles of this kind ;)

Type : Logical
Difficulty : Easy

Tags :
geneosis, activate, walkthrough, fizzle

#F4F : Rate and comment this map and I will do the same for one of your maps.
13 kommenttia
mbrown259 20.8.2016 klo 4.57 
Nice quick map. I like the concept of the "blinker", I can think of a number of ways you could use it in future maps.
stormsend 6.3.2014 klo 2.37 
Nice concept. I'll probably use it. Thanks.
Stuntmanmyke 4.1.2014 klo 9.15 
marrant ce mécanisme :)
mood3rd 26.7.2013 klo 17.47 
Geneosis  [tekijä] 26.7.2013 klo 16.56 
Your map is already in my list :p But I'm playing too much Cube World and Rawbots for the moment to find time to play all the chambers that wait in my playlist XD
mood3rd 26.7.2013 klo 16.28 
good map.
I have this on 1 of mine, so understood straight away.
but a great introduction to the concept.
please try my new map:
"build your own mechanisms"
& let me know what you think.
8MMW 21.6.2013 klo 11.26 
That was a nice map, thanks for mentioning my series in the description :) I think it is even a bit more complicated than mine, considering how many times you go through portals / shoot them. Or maybe that's just what it seems to me, because own maps seem a lot easier.
A weird idea I just got, you may want to check it out: Surface tension :)
Geneosis  [tekijä] 12.5.2013 klo 5.07 
@| \_/ () : I just made a collection for that ^^
| \_/ () 11.5.2013 klo 17.03 
the best maps really aren't always the top-rated 1s. i want to play your maps which you think are the best. can you suggest me some?
Čolibri 5.5.2013 klo 15.19 
Une curiosité de plus dans le monde de PeTI !
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