Killing Floor

Killing Floor

245 arvostelua
KF-Obsidian- Mission Map
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75.865 MB
27.1.2013 klo 23.50
1 muutos ( näytä )

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KF-Obsidian- Mission Map

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä [TW]Fel
Fel's Map pack
9 luomusta
One of my favorite mission map. This map has player interactve objectives where players have to interact with the enviroment and defend each other while they try to accomplish each obj. NOTE: Because of the custom emiters the map sometimes crashes on restart Authors: S281 & Fel
77 kommenttia
Hakurei Reimu 26.7.2022 klo 18.48 
man this is a classic
[TW]Fel  [tekijä] 16.9.2021 klo 7.29 
Should work I havent tried in a couple years
[xlWoRlx]HARRY 11.9.2021 klo 13.31 
Is this version working?
[TW]Fel  [tekijä] 14.11.2019 klo 3.16 
Oh yea... i think the ending breaks and you get stuck on the final boss fight
[TW]Fel  [tekijä] 14.11.2019 klo 3.15 
Does it work? If not im sorry but i dont think it will work, i dont have the time to support / fix these maps
Asterix2008 PL (busy at work) 8.11.2019 klo 15.36 
@[TW]Fel Thank You so much :retro_beer:
[TW]Fel  [tekijä] 8.11.2019 klo 15.15 
Asterix2008 PL (busy at work) 27.10.2019 klo 18.45 
This map is broken, nothing works, no zoombie, but the views are beautiful :-))
SG 27.1.2019 klo 11.06 
NOGAS version has a none.ogg file missing.....unless this is supposed to be a silent blank audio file mistakenly inserted in?
SG 26.1.2019 klo 22.17 
ah, you updated your link with no gas version, I had the 17-10-18 one, and the one you updated with was 18-10-18.....dunno what's changed here though....but hopefully it's a good change! hahaha....