missed the flare and died, but i got the reflect
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Líbilo se Vám toto video? (Kategorie:TF2, Replay)

"i tryed to shoot the soldier with a flare, but i missed and died. i did kill him with his rocket though.

Počet komentářů: 4
Blk_Mage_Ctype 23. lis. 2012 v 10.21 
Unfortunately, the minimum resolution for eligible Saxxy entries is 720p.
Drunkle Qrow 23. lis. 2012 v 10.20 
you got my YES! this made me laugh so hard
Fennec Fox²³ 23. lis. 2012 v 2.51 
Nicely done!
James 15. lis. 2012 v 15.43 
God I hate pyros, nice job seacow.