GameMaker: Studio

GameMaker: Studio

Nedostatek hodnocení
Quit Game
Přidat do oblíbených
Odebrat z oblíbených
genre: action
Značky: studio, gamemaker
Velikost souboru
5.171 KB
3. říj. 2012 v 1.10
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit

Klikněte na „Odebírat“ pro stažení položky
Quit Game

Quit Game or Quit Game
Quit Game or Quit Game
Quit Game or Quit Game
Quit Game or Quit Game
Quit Game or Quit Game
Quit Game or Quit Game
Počet komentářů: 3
Talberto 4. říj. 2012 v 22.00 
Mashkode  [autor] 3. říj. 2012 v 8.32 
clonestravaganza 3. říj. 2012 v 8.07 
This game really spoke to my soul. It took my most primal fears, and mashed them down into a fine paste, then poured that paste into a choice. Would I quit the game? Or would I face those fears and quit the game? I just couldn't decide, and I still cannot decide to this day. The game is still open, taunting me. My life is a shambles. My wife left me, and I will never see my child again. There are roaches crawling across my feet and my hands are still glued to my desk, one trembling finger on the left mouse button, trying to make that choice. Can I quit? Or will I quit?