Garry's Mod
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Fighting Mutant Enemies: Fast Headcrabs N' Zombies
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Content Type: Demo
Тагове: gm_construct
Размер на файла
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10.599 MB
2 февр. 2013 в 22:20
1 бележка за промяна ( преглед )

Абониране, за да се свали
Fighting Mutant Enemies: Fast Headcrabs N' Zombies

This is my first G-Mod Demo video (I never knew what it was before). Now that I have discovered this, I have decided to make a video series with it called, "Fighting Mutant Enemies." This is the first, where I battle inflated fast headcrab and zombie NPCs (the latter I call "starfish zombies"). Future videos will have different enemies.

Not technically a "demo," since I'm not showing how to do anything, but I don't know how to upload "camera tool" videos so this is what I got.