[Saxxy] Fight Fortress
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Харесахте ли това видео? (Категория:Drama)

"We should to this again sometime...

Tribute to the best film of our generation (imho)
Thanks to David Fincher for this masterpiece!
16 коментара
Jake Chambers 19 ноем. 2012 в 11:38 
Bad animation...
Chara the Explorer 19 ноем. 2012 в 1:51 
That was... interesting. Call the creators and see if you can't get their permission.
NullSets 18 ноем. 2012 в 20:31 
Legendary movie. And you animation did it justice. well done my friend
Silas Mann 18 ноем. 2012 в 13:46 
This was a Great Animation !!!! Perfect.
2Dfruity 18 ноем. 2012 в 9:58 
Rule 1 about TF2: Don't talk about TF2.
mrnuke999 18 ноем. 2012 в 8:46 
Great video. It won't win a Saxxy due to copyright, but great none the less.
Chancellor Cameron 18 ноем. 2012 в 8:20 
I'm afraid that Fight Club is copyrighted...
Krampus 17 ноем. 2012 в 3:43 
Its good,but the problem is copyright violation...
Pagan 16 ноем. 2012 в 23:24 
No, copyright stuff...
Alex Krychek, a mighty pirate 16 ноем. 2012 в 21:19 
shonen_wizard23, are you kidding? It's "Fight Club".