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Stairway to Exit
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31 окт. 2012 в 9:40
3 ноем. 2012 в 4:07
7 бележки за промени ( преглед )

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Stairway to Exit

Do you like stairs?
5 коментара
Metzger Ben | GER 5 ноем. 2012 в 3:04 
Spychosis 4 ноем. 2012 в 16:38 
I found this to be solvable with the 3 cubes & ball for leverage/shielding and the faith plate. Stairs were not at all required to be activated in this puzzle : /
TemzineManaStar 2 ноем. 2012 в 21:21 
I found that if you can clear blue funnel, one cube, and sphere.
Even when you remove the two reflective cubes, laser, red funnel, gel, air plates reliability, it is possible without the need for special operations, toward the outlet.
Minaz 1 ноем. 2012 в 7:12 
Ciao Stacy la provo subito :P
mausilibaer 1 ноем. 2012 в 5:19 
Nice and easy one