Team Fortress 2
The Home Remedy - OUTDATED
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Клас: Медик
Слот за артикул: Оръжие, Разни
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16 окт. 2012 в 1:20
18 окт. 2012 в 23:12
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IMPORTANT: This item is outdated! It has been split into two items. Please see the new versions here:

Vac-Pack (backpack misc.):

Home Remedy V.2 (redesigned medigun):


Original description:

Sure, your basic medigun can heal people. But can it also blow leaves out of your driveway and/or suck crumbs out of your carpet? I didn't think so. With just a few easy-to-find items, you too can build your own multi-function healing/cleaning device!


A medigun designed to be assembled from, in my words, "things Medic found in his garage." The backpack consists of:

-A 1950s-era vacuum cleaner
-A portable power supply
-Two bottles of uncertain origin and contents (possibly nitrous)
-A large rubber belt to hold it all together, probably from a car engine
-Important-looking rubber hoses
-Two homemade "cantennas" for the heck of it.

The medigun itself is assembled from:

-A handheld leaf blower
-More rubber hoses!
-An ambiguous box of presumably medical-related materials, affixed to the blower with the Handyman's Secret Weapon - about 18 inches of reliable, indestructible duct tape.

Part of the (as-of-yet incomplete) "D.I.Y. Doctor" item set.

Features team colors and 1 additional LOD for both gun and pack.