Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite V2

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Potato Masher [EASY FARM]
By stakanctl
In this guide I will show you the easiest way to farm 100 kills with explosives for "Potato Masher" achievement.
Chapter 9 "Kopenick Launch Site",
Last objective (Defend your position while the rocket fuels).

After you passed the church, trenches and the train you will receive an objective "Eliminate the Launch Supervisor". Kill the supervisor and the guy next to him, get explosives on the left from the dead supervisor. Go out to the balcony and shoot couple of times in the air to let the enemies spot you. After that go downstairs.
First of all place trip mines: first mine will be next to the basement entrance, second one will be in two metres on the stairs. Nazis will assault your position, so when the trip mines will be ready, wait for them on the stairs leading on the first floor. You should refresh mines every time somebody explodes. If you run out of trip mines, you should use landmines and TNT with grenades.
As a result, you should get about 10 kills in one playthrough.

Don't forget to check the rocket. When it's going to be fully fuelled, load the last checkpoint.