Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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The Very Very Basic of Being a Badass Zombie killer
By Heisenburger from Breaking Good
So, you want to be a real badass zombie killer like those 4?
Well, no worries mate
Because i'm here to teach you how to be like one
But, before being a true badass zombie killer, there are basic you need to understand
Here's are some basic you need to know
How To Move
Now, that you chose to be a Badass Zombie Killer, you need to learn how to move
Its simple really, all you need to know is:
W= Move forward
S= Move backward
A= Strafe left
D= Strafe right
Your mouse: Look around
Space= Jump
Ctrl:= Duck
Congratulation, you can move
Pick Your Weapon
Now, that you know how to move, you need a weapon
There are a lot of weapons available for you Badass Zombie Killer
But i leave that to the advanced guides
All you need to know is:
1. Go to weapon
2. Look at weapon
3. Press E to pick weapon
Congratulations, you picked your weapon
How To Encounter The Bad Guys
Now, that you know how to move and pick your weapon selection, the next question is...
What happen when i met the bad guys?
Here's what you need to know:
M1= shoot
Pretty simple right?
But what if, they are right in your face?
M2= shove
What Happen If I Get Beaten by The Bad Guys
Now, as a beginners i understand you will have trouble fighting the bad guys
But, there are things you must understand
You see this right here?
This is your health bar
It determines at how healthy you are
The Bad Guys will always try to take it down to 0

If they manage to take you down to 0
You will be incapacitated
If you are incapacitated, you can not move
Thus, you will get raped beaten to death by The Bad Guys
And if you are dead
Boom, you're dead, no killing, no fun, no nothing
But, no worries because I have the tricks to avoid this
Here's what you need to do:
1. press 4
2. hold m1
3. profit
Note: to make this trick succesfull you need to have the following

However, if you have have this following instead: Here's what you need to do:
1. press 5
2. click m1
3, profit
So that's it
The Very Very Basic of how to be a Badass Zombie Killer
Do all these 4 and you should be just fine on any modes
including advanced, expert, realism, versus, realism versus and scavenge
Now what are you waiting for
a kiss to the cheek?
Fight The Bad Guys
and learn how to be a true Badass Zombie Killer

Also something worth noting that:
The zombies are not the only Bad Guys

All Critics are welcomed
Hryhorii Sep 2, 2016 @ 11:27pm 
Ra Katze Sep 2, 2016 @ 1:43pm 
Instructions unclear.
W1cky Aug 30, 2016 @ 4:32am 
Kuvira Aug 30, 2016 @ 2:04am 
what is a move?
Fruittymcnutty Aug 28, 2016 @ 9:31pm 
Something to add: You can hold Left shift to walk, instead of run. Also press Q to swap between your primary/secondary weapon slots. Q even swaps to a weapon when you have none out (Kit/Defib/pills/adren/grenade)
I'm pretty sure that's default. If it isn't, then it's my personal preference for the Q key...
(†)))) ZORRO ((((†) Aug 28, 2016 @ 7:11pm 
Good advices...
DART Aug 23, 2016 @ 8:56am 
Cute rundown prior to playing L4D1 I didn't know friendly fire existed but found out quick just a little note. You're a good person helping out, keep up the good work, DART