Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

41 ratings
Infectious - V 0.1.1
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Gamemode
File Size
169.772 KB
Aug 3, 2016 @ 5:24am
Aug 4, 2016 @ 8:03am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Infectious - V 0.1.1

Infectious is a simple but fun gamemode split in two teams: Humans and Infected.
(Best played with friends and with microphones)

> V 0.1.1 <
- Fixed profile picture bug

| Supported maps |

Most maps that feature multiple spawns should be supported, but at the moment the only map confirmed to work 100% is cs_office.

- Humans -

Humans are equipped with a gun with limited ammo, and have to eliminate all the infected.
As a Human you need to cooperate and communicate, but the catch is that you don't know who is infected.
Killing another Human will make you take high damage.
> Humans win if all infected are dead

- Infected -

The Infected's only purpose is to infect everyone. But of course, without getting killed.
As the Infected you can infect others so they can become infected too, and help you. You also have a gun, but you shouldn't use it to kill others!
To infect, equip your Infect tool (1), get close to someone and left click to attempt to infect them. When an infected attempts three times to infect a human, he or she will then become infected.
Infected can see all the humans' and infected's position from anywhere on the map.
> Infected win when all remaining players are infected

- Karma system -

To make the game fair and prevend RDM, I've established a karma system. Your Karma will start at 1000 and will change depending on your actions. Behaving accordingly (that is, following the gamemode's rules) will grant you extra Karma, and behaving incorrectly (killing humans when you are human, or killing if you are infected).
Having high Karma will benefit you, and having low Karma will do the opposite.

- Addon compatibility -

- What's next? -

Well, now that I published the gamemode I can play with my friends, so I'll do that and then I'll see what the game is missing or what needs to be balanced (even though I think the game is pretty balanced at the moment). I'll also add special types of humans/infected later, and maybe an infected detector or something like that. I'll also test more maps to confirm they work correctly, and maybe even make a map dedicated to this gamemode.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Dec 12, 2018 @ 5:49am
PINNED: Infectious - Suggestion Thread
Aug 3, 2016 @ 5:45am
PINNED: Infectious V 0.1.1 - Bug reporting
Robotic Wizard Aug 22, 2020 @ 10:57am 
such a shame it's dead
Undercover Steve Aug 12, 2017 @ 8:06pm 
ooo nice, finally this consept from roblox goes on to gmod ;)
LazerrÍV Jul 4, 2017 @ 4:24pm 
LOL Sounds fun, but also sounds something like MORBUS XD
Manel  [author] Jan 8, 2017 @ 3:31am 
Btw the mod is not dead! :) Just having lots of exams and studying currently, so I can only work on this in my free time (which is close to null), expect updates before summer!
Cheezpuffer Aug 8, 2016 @ 6:48am 
Alrighty. Thanks!
Manel  [author] Aug 8, 2016 @ 6:48am 
Hey! Thanks for being interested in my addon!
I can make a shop, no problem (of course it will be optional), but about the different activities in the map, well, I need to have a way to make people spread from others (I thought the distrust and that if you're together it's easier to infect a group should be enough), but as I'd like to support most maps I have to find a way for making it good altogether. So I'll look into that!
Also remember there's a thread for Suggestions so you can post them all there! :D
Cheezpuffer Aug 6, 2016 @ 4:26am 
Wow, this looks pretty fun. Do you think you could also add different abilities that the humans/infected can use that are purchasable in some sort of shop? Like Humans can get like a 5-10% dmg increase, Infected can get longer infection reach, etc. And the way you could get points for the shop is by doing different activities in the map that would spread people away from their groups to allow the Infected to infect them. Sort of like Morbus's activities if that makes sense?