Portal 2

Portal 2

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Al Jourgenson

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Al Jourgenson

Welcome to your doom.
HeyManNiceShot  [author] Mar 20, 2018 @ 2:49am 
Hey. Just was playing this map again for the first time in forever, or rather, watching a friend play it. I forgot how it was solved. It is difficult. Thanks for playing it ~6 years ago friendly stranger. I did design it to be difficult though not impossible. Perhaps I'll make a follow up that's a bit less intimidating. I believe I designed htis to utilise everything Portal 2 brought to the table, just about, with the only other (test) map I made being more intuitive yet solvable in multiple ways whereas the only way to do this one is to be perfect at it. Forgot how the map editor works but I might get back into making stuff for this game. Ancient feedback appreciated.
HeyManNiceShot  [author] Jun 7, 2012 @ 8:58am 
Well, then that's better than 10.
LPChip Jun 6, 2012 @ 8:45am 
Fine! Next time I'll tell you I solved it in 11 seconds.
HeyManNiceShot  [author] Jun 6, 2012 @ 6:03am 
This is the classic: I'm tired of people telling me they solved my map in 10 seconds.
LPChip Jun 5, 2012 @ 8:19am 
Ah, so this is the classic: Author has to do it 50+ times to get it right, where the normal player thinks after failing 10 times that its just not the right solution.
LPChip Jun 4, 2012 @ 2:24pm 
There's no way I can make the jump in the screenshot from the bottom to the faith plate, let alone do it in time.