Arma 3
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AI Rayak
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
File Size
415.937 MB
Feb 13, 2016 @ 10:06am
1 Change Note ( view )

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AI Rayak


FSF Al Rayak


I'm pleased to present my latest terrain for Arma 3 : Al Rayak.
The map is 20 x 20 km, and aims at loosely representing a middle eastern country.

40 km of coastline, 7 cities, 3 seaports, 2 main rivers, 4 airfields, about 100 villages, many bridges, and far more trees than would be here in reality.
The vegetation is mostly a placeholder and will be updated in the future. I also plan to add many rock formations to give the whole area a more arid and mountaineous feeling.

Extract into the ArmA 3 Directory, by default this is located in:
32-Bit - C:\Program Files\Steam/Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\
64-Bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam/Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\
After extraction it should look like this:
Steam\Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\@your_mod_folder_name\addons\

You can also use the "Arma 3 Alpha" folder in your "My Documents" folder. Your folder setup could than look like for example this:
mydocuments\Arma3 Alpha\@your_mod_folder_name1\addons\
mydocuments\Arma3 Alpha\@your_mod_folder_name2\addons\
mydocuments\Arma3 Alpha\@your_mod_folder_name2\addons\

When present place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3".
You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons and/or mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive.

You'll also need to add a Launch Parameter to Steam, in order to do so right-click on ArmA 3 Alpha and click Properties and then Set Launch Options. In the window that opens enter in -mod=@your_mod_folder_name
For using multiple mods you would then do so like this:

You can also use -nosplash to get rid of the splash art and intro videos.

And of course you can also enable and disable community made addons and mods through the in-game Options Expansions menu if you do not want to mess with startup parameters!

Included files:

Credits & Thanks:
Jones and Sgt Fuller for coming up with the idea for this map, and providing valuable information and advice.
Icebreaker for giving me permission to use buildings from Duala.
The All in Arma team.
HOMJ whose RoadPainter saved many hours of road placement.
Shezan74 for worldTools.

- Removed dependencies to Ibr_Dtowns, and Ibr_Plants, so now the only requirement is "All in Arma".
- And made one correction in the config.

- first release

Forum topic:
Van Oct 20, 2016 @ 11:44am 
black sky problem....
BloodPath Oct 16, 2016 @ 7:46am 
Hi there i know it is a bit uncommon to send a friend request but this seems the only way to communicate with you.

I have a few questions about arma mapping or better, i am building a map and right now i am looking for Jungle plants and palms.
So i try to ask the pro builder for allowence to use some stuff from them or for tips who i can ask for the allowence.

Thanks for your time and fantastic work !!!