Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

267 ratings
Launch Commands
By CrimZone
Here you can find some useful commands to improve a better experience in Skullgirls.
How to introduce launch commands
There are some users that doesn't know how to introduce a launch command, if you know go to the next section. If not, do the following:

Go to your library > Right click on Skullgirls > Game properties > Set launch options > Set any of the following commands > Enter

  • Commands must be introduced using "-" ... as example: -randomcommand
  • If you want to introduce many commands leave a space after each command, example: -1stcommand -2ndcommand -3rdcommand
Launch commands
Command: -ctrlshiftdrag
  • Window only becomes moveable by the mouse while holding CTRL+SHIFT.

Command: -c filename
  • Specifies a custom config file. Config file includes video settings and button config.

Command: -defaultkeys
  • Resets the keybindings to default on startup. Able to configure settings afterward, but will reset until this is removed.

Command: -enablereplays
  • Enables replay saving. Will save a replay after every match the game runs.
    Press LP during a replay to display hitboxes, and press LK to display the player's inputs.

Command: -extrasupershadows
  • Adds extra trailing shadows when performing blockbusters.
    This is a feature is from the PS4 version.

Command: -fs
  • Sets the game to fullscreen. Alt+Tab will force the game to minimize.

Command: -fw
  • Sets the game to fullscreen windowed. The game will act like a normal window, but take up the entire screen.

Command: -ignorefocus
  • Allows the game to receive input even if the game window is not active.

Command: -log (beta only)
  • Creates a file that logs the game's actions and processing. Allows a developer to identify bugs in the game.
    Log files can be found under Documents/Skullgirls Beta
    Use this when you find a bug or game crash you can recreate consistently.

Command: -nomenuwrap
  • Disables menu wrapping when you reach the end of a list.
    Example: Hitting down at the bottom of a list will do nothing, you have to scroll back to the top manually.

Command: -noonlineconfirm
  • Disables the confirmation message when selecting your team online.

Command: -res #x#
  • Sets the screen resolution.
    Example: -res 1920x1080

Command: -showonlinebars
  • Visually displays the connection quality during online matches.

Command: -sc #.#
  • Sets the screen scale multiplier.
    Example: -sc 1.0

Command: -useclipboard
  • Copies the text in the game to the clipboard to allow other software to speak it. Adds a sound to the recovery spark.

Command: -useclipboardsound
  • Same as -useclipboard but adds a sound every time you move the cursor.

Command: -vjoyfix
  • Forces the game to poll a controller's POV hat if the driver says it's supported.
    Warning: This removes functionality of PS3 controllers and other similar direct input controllers.

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Htiud47 Dec 6, 2021 @ 7:28am 
Guide me to some bitches my g
midnightwanderer Sep 12, 2020 @ 6:18pm 
The wrap around menu selection is just driving me bonkers thank god there is a launch command to control it. I finally believe in God thanks to the launch command to stop the menu selection from wrapping. I just can't imagine a world with wrapping menu selection.
mew Nov 8, 2018 @ 12:09pm 
how to walk?
Assbepis Sep 9, 2016 @ 1:48am 
Where do you select replays once they are turned on?
dennis prager Aug 22, 2016 @ 12:28am 
Yes thank you! :headstone::lev:
Valhi2 Jan 11, 2016 @ 6:35pm 
ResidentWoke Jan 5, 2016 @ 8:06pm 
Hats off to this indeed. :filiahat:
colelegante Jan 4, 2016 @ 12:41pm 
Wow, this will be useful :msfortune:
cj so smooth Jan 1, 2016 @ 12:46am 
Thanks for this!