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Translating Planetbase
By martiño
Learn how to create Planetbase translations and upload them to the Steam Workshop

Planetbase now supports user translations, this guide explains how to do it.
Translating the game
  • Download the current English strings from here:

  • Rename the files replacing "en" by your language 2 letter ISO code, for example for Russian this would be "ru_main.xml", "ru_tutorial.xml", "ru_help.xml" (if your language doesn't have an ISO code, just use any 2 letters).

  • Translate the files, note that the "language_name" string in "en_main.xml" is what your language is going to be called in the settings screen

  • If your language makes plurals by adding endings to the singular form of the word, you can add the endings in the string "plural_endings". This will then be used by the game to highlight plurals in the help menu, as an example for German, this will look like this:

    <string name="plural_endings">e n en er</string>

    Then the game will know that "Windturbunen" is the plural of "Windturbine" and will automatically highlight it in the help menu.
    If your language doesn't work like this, then leave this blank and only singular words will be highlighted.

  • Make sure you save the xmls as UTF8

  • Put the files in "My Documents/Planetbase/Strings"

  • Now the new language should appear in the settings menu
Uploading to the Steam Workshop
Once you've tested the translation on your machine, you can upload it to the workshop for other people to enjoy, by using the Workshop Uploader, see instructions here:
Keeping translations up to date
Sometimes we add new text when making updates to the game.
To check what strings are new or missing you can do the the following:
  • Select your language in the settings menu (after selecting another language first).
  • If any strings are missing, a toast will appear notifying you of the error.
  • If this is the case, you can then check the log.txt file in Documents/Planetbase, for a more detailed explanation of what text needs to be translated.
Giampi May 17, 2020 @ 12:39am 
Can you update the strings please?
Kronos0627 May 10, 2020 @ 10:16am 
NeoRider7 Jan 23, 2020 @ 3:42pm 
The following is written a little higher in the description:
"If you have any questions or issues with the process, you can ask at our board here: ".
But this link gives an error when clicked.
martiño  [author] Aug 29, 2018 @ 4:13pm 
Ah yes you are right, we've updated it.
Giampi Aug 29, 2018 @ 7:38am 
It says 3 strings are missing. The log pannel says "action_type_no_alert",
"action_type_yellow_alert" and "action_type_red_alert" are missing. I have 8 strings about alerts in the main string but no one with the name "action_type".
martiño  [author] Aug 28, 2018 @ 4:43am 
1.3.0 has no new strings really
Giampi Aug 28, 2018 @ 3:38am 
can you update the strings please?
Querro707 May 10, 2018 @ 10:01am 
update game pls :(
martiño  [author] Jan 11, 2018 @ 1:40am 
I've uploaded the latest strings. Let me know if you have any problems with it.
Tablis Jan 10, 2018 @ 11:09am still not up to date :whateverr: