Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

59 ratings
Borderlands 2 Melee Zer0 Op 8 Build:
By DValth
Hello guys my name is Hunterrr and i am a loyal Borderlands 2 player i like the game very much and i've decided to make a guide to show you my Zer0 build and help you with yours so let's get started shall we ?
Loot that you will need and where to get it :
Ok..... so 1st of all you will need Zero lvl 72 Op 8 of course, you can get to Op8 in the raid on the digistruct peak.
You are gonna need some weapons (i featured some DLC weapons)
- Grog nozzle ill instert a link how to get it by YOTESLAYA :

- Rubi (from Moxxi) this video is from Masterkizz :

- The Rapier this video is from Ki11er Six :

Granades :
You are gonna need 1 paticular granade mod and that is the Chain Lightning
- How to get the Chain Lightning by YOTESLAYA :

Class mod :
You are gonna need 1 class mod that is very important and its the key element of the whole build

- Legendary ninja mod , video is from xXEVILMONKEYX :

The Relic :
You are gonna need 1 relic i like to use and its very effective
- The Bone of the Ancients , video by YOTESLAYA :

Shield :
I really recommend that you use the Hide of Terra shield due to its high capacity video by YOTESLAYA :

Thats all for the loot you will be using.
Skill tree :
If you are not familiar with the melee Zer0 ill brake it down to ya ^^ :
When you are playing with melee zer0 you must be in decepti0n no matter what , you dont kill ppl with gunfire but with gunblades , you must have the many must fall skill point for longer decepti0n time, and USE KUNNAIS !! for lowering shields, health ....
Now for the build :
Playstyle :
I cannot stress this enough .... use all of your equipmnet use the Chain Lightning use Kunais.
For the guns.... Dont shoot with them exept for slag wepons... Use mele guns (the ones with the bayonet). You must think with the mele build cuz if you are on a MMF streak and u stop you are dead tho..... Here is a video from Man Of Low Moral Fiber

Free download Mele Zer0 build :
So for those who would not like to farm for the gear and stuff :3 ill link the download by MoLMF enjoy and game on !

Sorrny guys the link got removed from Valve, so if u want the build just add me and ill send you the video if you dont trust me Thanks !
GeeseOnBenadryl Jul 2, 2018 @ 2:56pm 
what class mod do you use
in the picture
DValth  [author] Jul 17, 2015 @ 4:49am 
its just for the capacity becuse on op8 shield goes by quick so i personaly recommend a shield with a huge capacity and low recharge delay
knit my sweater Jul 15, 2015 @ 5:13pm 
whys capacity the thing u recommend on hide of terra if u want it to be down for roid damage
Desmond Jun 24, 2015 @ 6:46pm 
Ah, I didn't catch that at first - I've always all-but-ignored elemental damage (I'll keep one each of fire/corrosive for enemies that are weak against it, and put 1-2 into Unf0rseen for shock damage as I scoot around and redeploy Decepti0n) in favor of pure damage that can't be resisted. I'll admit it makes things rather harder - quite a bit harder, actually - but I tend to look for builds/playstyles that are more of a challenge in any game.
/Luna-Lux/ Jun 24, 2015 @ 2:59pm 
lmao steam removed that download link

nice phish
Zhalo Jun 22, 2015 @ 2:28pm 
(IMO) zer0 works very well with elemental damage i seriously cannot count how many times i have gone down into FFYL to instantly get back up due to the DoT i just inflicted upon that loader
DValth  [author] Jun 22, 2015 @ 4:57am 
i based this build on elemental damage so you can get the max crit hits
Desmond Jun 21, 2015 @ 2:56pm 
Better idea would be wait until you're maxed out to do the quests that drop the Law pistol and Order shield. Melee damage done with Law when equipped with Order heals you - with this skillset, that turns Zer0 into a nigh-unkillable pistolwhipping sumbitch. Honestly, it's better (IMO) than dicking around with elemental damage or grenades to try and get health from the Grog Nozzle, though that weapon does have it's place.
Neuxdabomb Jun 20, 2015 @ 5:20am 
Zer0's ability is crap, until I read this guide now I think Zer0 has a chance to prove himself now.
fuckme Jun 19, 2015 @ 7:13am 
Great guide, for Melee Zer0 begginers, not many grammar mistakes and awesome build. :)