Portal 2

Portal 2

41 ratings
Reverse Tower
File Size
8.540 MB
Jul 31, 2014 @ 10:08am
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Reverse Tower

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TS_Mind_Swept Aug 15, 2014 @ 4:08pm 
Not really that difficult of a test, althogh i wasted a lot of time on the top level geling not knowing that there was a wole nother world beneath me. The exit had 4 X's, but i didn't know where their connections were, then i discovered that the answer was beneath me. :p Although it would have been nice to have some kind of indication that there's stuff down there like Speedy Goose said. The "button activation" wasn't really teidious, but finding the 4 cubes was kind of a drag. You ought to call this one "Treasure Hunt" or "Cube Hunt" or something along those lines, cause that's really what it is, it's not really much of a test other than that. :p 7/10
wildgoosespeeder Aug 5, 2014 @ 2:32pm 
Tedious button activation. Your lack of antlines don't give me a clear direction where to go or what to do. Here is how I feel about that sort of thing: