Wargame: Red Dragon

Wargame: Red Dragon

74 ratings
How not to be a Jerk
By doubleqHY?
This guide is a solid description of what NOT to do when playing Wargame : Red Dragon.
1. Quitting
Quitting is by far the worst atrocity committed in this game other than team killing. Never Quit mid-match unless you have an acceptable reason.

Un-Acceptable Reasons :
1.My teammates suck.
2. I lost an expensive unit and feel the need to rage quit.
3. Other people are quitting.
4. I didn't read the game parameters going into the match.

2. Wasting Units
Often new players enter the game beliving that the most expensive units will bring them the most points. This, although sometimes the case, is very dependent on the enviroment in which the unit is placed. If you are not 75% sure that you can return the pts value of a unit, do not deploy it.
3. Dropping Movement Flares
When you are in the unit deployment phase, always place a marked flare as to where your units will be moving. Effective communication can and will change the game in your favor. Use it wisely.
4. Team Killing
Don't TK. That is all.
5. Artillery
Artillery, although a useful tool, should be used in a concentrated manner and not without prior thought. En masse artillery can become irritating to the point where the game becomes much less fun to play. In addition, artillery is often subjected to attacks by special forces groups as seen in the gif to the right.
The End
The end. Good Luck. Have Fun .Play Well. Don't be a Jerk.
All picture and informational rights belong to their creators and are only being used for an educational purpose. Additional credit to Felixlynch777 for giving me ideas and correcting me on plagarism.The link to his guide is here,http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=161006550. It is much better than mine , as mine is purely a simple reminder for Red Dragon.
Made You Read This Jan 14, 2021 @ 4:22pm 
@brb1611 The chat is notorious and legendary. If it seems toxic that's only because you didn't say "putin gay sex" in front of the mirror 3 times when you got up this morning. Alternatively you could stoke the toxicity by saying "israel OP, wargame is pay to win", sit back, and watch the fireworks. And with that, I recommend giving multiplayer another go.

(On a serious note though, don't complain or ask for help in the chat. Its much better to join the bootcamp discord, as it's generally understood that the chat is a place for memeing, trolling, and shitposting. It's like a preserved piece of gaming history from before cancel culture, and is often fondly remembered for its absurdity).
brb1611 Dec 27, 2020 @ 11:03pm 
For me, The in-game chat Swayed me so much I haven't played 1 multi match, Just sticking with Very hard AI. All you get on the Chat is Toxcicity
mrawesome Dec 3, 2020 @ 7:45pm 

The Big Man Himself May 1, 2020 @ 1:00pm 
you forgot helirushing
Hughfus J'arted Apr 23, 2020 @ 12:32am 
Right or Wrong and frustrating as is it. i can quite understand why some newer players rage quit.

The games learning curve can be tiresome and off putting in the early stages.
and there are a great many matches where nothing you try seems to work. (knife to a gun fight) that kind of match.
meepmep2 Mar 24, 2020 @ 11:53am 
smerch them all
actually fighting is gay
dont follow this advice
destruction is best gamemode tho
Roof Koreans Feb 16, 2020 @ 7:23am 
If arty if problematic for you stop playing destruction. If they're still a problem in conquest, learn to push
The Big Man Himself Feb 7, 2020 @ 4:31pm 
also dont play isreal or yugoslavia
Operator-Chan Dec 22, 2018 @ 10:53pm 
how to be a jerk arty spam as soon as round starts then heli rush
Katti Nov 14, 2016 @ 8:00pm 
So what you're saying is I can still ATACMS your opener and not be a jerk?