Portal 2

Portal 2

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Multiverse Testchamber 03: Discouraging

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Multiverse Testchamber 03: Discouraging

Unfortunately, people are still being discouraged from the last test to go on, so the risk of death has been decreased to a point in which unless you're a bad jumper, then you literally have to try to kill yourself if you want to die. On the plus side, all the dicouragment in the last few test chambers have allowed our Aperture Science Emotion Harnessing Device to fuse your discouragment with heat to create the new Aperture Science Thermal Discourgment Beam. I'm not going to lie to you, its basically a laser, but its effecient. You may hear sounds of discouragment coming from the laser, but it shouldn't affect you, unless you're hearing your own discouragment, in which case, get help, or you will fo mentally insane. Also don't forget the minute of silence at the beginning of the test for Sentient Cloud or we will all use are skins. Literally. Good Luck.