Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

255 ratings
I CAN'T DIE - A krieg build
By Guy
This is a super powerful immortal krieg build.
The skill tree.
Alright, so the basic kinda deal to this build, Loads of regen using loads of elemental guns due to the amazing krieg skill; Elemental Empathy. Alright so lets go down the list and tell you guys why I picked what I did.
P.S this is a gun DPS build and not a melee build.
Now before I start this guide, If you need help finding anything, It is yours, level 50, 61, or 72.


Blood-Filled Guns
This skill is amazing with the DOT you will get on enemies you will get to max stacks really fast and that is an easy. With something like an assassult rifle, You will get mag sizes of 500-700.
Blood Twitch
This skill I picked up so it is easier to switch between guns that you need to pull out but you can put it into whatever you want.
Blood Overdrive
This skill is awesome due to you being able to get shorter fuse times just for killing things with BULLET so grenade that are crap due to having long fuse become so amazing.
Blood Bath
This, I really like for a kill skill, lots of amazing grenade spam due to the 75% drop chance and the nice little damage buff.
Boiling Blood
I like it because it allows me to go from combat arena to combat arena without losing all your stacks. But it isn't required.
Nervous Blood
Killing = More reload speed. Why wouldn't you get this skill, honestly.
This is my fav skill in the whole game next to "Many Must Fall" from Zer0, It means you get massive chains of stupid high damage explosions, It also makes pyro pete and instant kill using a trick.


Feed The Meat
More health and longer delay on shield, and since this is a gun DPS build and not a melee build. We don't need more melee damage.
Embrace The Pain
Really long recharge delay, whole 5 seconds (10 with the class mod we are using) and Firerate when your sheilds are down and that is pretty much always with Flame of the firehawk.


Burn, Baby, Burn
Great skill for fire damage since our Flame of the firehawk will be always active, always doing fire damage also for more self ignite.
Fuel The Fire
This skill I don't like that much but more self ignite and more elemental chance so everything will be better for this build.
Numbed Nerves
Do I really need to explain this skill, its 50% damage reduction when on fire...
Pain Is Power
Lots more damage for less crits, as krieg you never really aim, You just kinda shoot thing and they die somehow, So doing more damage is wonderful and even more on fire.
Elemental Elation
Fire rate and mag size, so with the Blood-Filled guns, You have massive mag sizes and more fire rate so everything dies faster.
Delusional Damage
What idiot wouldn't get this skill, You can't not get this due to fire becomming less useful in a few areas.
Flame Flare
I put one point due to the class mod so I get 6/5 so it is worth it and you get longer on fire times
Elemental Empathy
YOU NEED THIS SKILL. I cannot love this skill anymore than I already do, it makes krieg impossible to kill.
Raving Retribution
While on fire, You shoot homing fire balls, Why not?
The gear.
This is the only problem with krieg atm, You need a certain build to do anything usefull, But guns you can use almost anything.
Anyway these are the things I USE and work the best out of what I have used sorry if some of the new perl weapons are better, I haven't tried any of the new ones from this DLC.
Also I did mod to get the Grog Nozzle due to me turning in the mission and not realizing I can never get it again sorry if that turns you guys off but ANYWAY now to talk about what I use.

Location: Tiny Tinas Assasult on Dragon Keep DLC Quest Item from "The Beard Makes The Man"
Alright this gun has a very nice amount of healing, a total of 65% of all damage done while holding this gun turns into health. You could use the rubi if you don't have the tiny tina DLC but it wont be as good as the Grog the grog also has the 50% slag chance. The only real downside to this weapon is it has really low damage. It also has this cool gimick where every so offen you will get drunk when you a drunk your screen will tilt a bit and shoot 6 shots and once but your firerate will be cut down, also you can switch this effect between weapons. Norfleet + Drunk = Everything dies

Location: Mr. Tourges Campaign of Carnage vending machine. Costs about 600-999 from what I have seen
So this gun is a monster, You can replace this gun with a Badaboom or any other Rocket Launcher or gun that you want. I do recomend picking this up if you have the DLC, I would also recommend getting the Prefix "Double Penetrating" so it shoots twice as many shots.

Location: Badass Loot Midgets
Great weapon, amazing fire rate and has the chance to regen ammo with every shot make it a very deadly weapon with a bottomless clip if you are lucky.

Location: A mission reward from "Everybody Wants To Be Wanted" From The Tourge DLC
I really have no idea why I love this weapon so much, I think it is because of it being a moxxie weapon so heals are stupid large with the build we have here and plus it shoots 3 bullets at once, for the price of 1 bullet, so MOAR SPAM!

Alright, guns are all done, Now to work on the gear

Location: A mission reward from the mission Cult Following: The Enkindling, You get this at the end of the Cult missions.
This shield is a BOSS, a pretty good capacity, nice delay for krieg, wonderful everything, but the one thing that makes this thing really amazing for melee builds, is that it fires off fire novas infinitly as long as your shield is down, So just keep running into fights, Hold the grog, shoot them and get them slagged and they will die.

Location: Actually... I don't know I got mine from using a player difficulty slider and killing chubbies, but I am pretty sure any raid boss will drop them.
This is the mod that made me want to make this build, it adds to everything we need More fire damage, longer delay on the sheild, more burn damage to enemies, longer burn time on self, the only thing this mod would need to make it super broken is to have 5 into Elemental Empathy.

Location: Droped from Badass Sorcerers in the Tiny Tina DLC
I really have no idea why I picked this, It is just a fun little grenade mod to use it is like the Fast Ball, does more damage, is elemental, and goes between targets, It is also a great way to kill flying enemies just aim at the wall closest to them and death

Location: You can find these Sum'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ almost everywhere
I find this is great to have due to it making 3 things stronger, the Firehawk, the Homing Fireballs, AND the harold, I use this relic almost all the time because of that, a lot of people say to get Bone of the Anchients, I would but there isn't one for explosive.
How to play.
Alright, I will make a quick video on how to use this build but for now, Just a wall of text sorry guys, need to get Fraps n ♥♥♥♥, give me a few days to a week Give me whenever I feel like playing

It is actaully really simple.
Throw a chain lighting at your feet to remove the shield and at all times hold Grog and run into people for max health, When you see something actually threatening, Pull out a real gun, Run at them and don't stop shooting Moxxi weapons help due to them having a heal too.
Fighting fire enemies is really easy, Shoot them with the grog nozzle, slag them then switch to your ukempt harrold and they will die.
Things I have done and need to do.
Solo Pete (OP8)
Solo Terra (OP8)
Solo Gee (OP8)
Solo Hyperious (OP8)
Solo Dragons (72)
Solo Verm (72 Using a Difficulty Slider)
Solo Digistruct Peak (OP8)
Gotten all gear legit (Excluding Grog)

All raid Bosses on OP8
Solo Dexi
Solo Voracidous
Get friends and do Co-op bosses on OP8
Thanks and Credits
I would like to say thank you for reading all of this, I hope you have lots of fun playing krieg in the future!!!

Also If you guys need any help with finding any of these weapons, Let me know I think I have a few spares of some stuff

Oh also sorry if I miss-spell a few things, Steam doesn't have an Auto Correct and I am really stupid.
If I did mess up on anything that I didn't see, Please post about it.

Credits (For weapon locations that I forgot) (To help make this build)

I would also like to thank gearbox for making an amazing game that I have sunk way more hours than I should have.
_Assassin_Zero_ Jul 10, 2023 @ 10:46am 
I don't usually touch hellborn until its necessary and it isn't until at OP 2-3 if you have bad gear like me.
Zbiten Jan 4, 2019 @ 5:28am 
This isnt guide. This just a list of top wpns and items. This "guide" can approach to ANY char. :steamfacepalm:
ummahusla Jun 7, 2018 @ 5:01pm 
Going to try this build. Thanks!
Jackal Apr 12, 2017 @ 8:39pm 
how do you kill hyperious with this build?
Alucard † Feb 26, 2017 @ 3:19pm 
Build looks good but why you maxed Pain is Power?
Won't that cripple your dmg output? Some mobs are best dealed when shot in critical spots
and some few are ESSENTIAL to aim for critical spots to even be able to dmg them (like some hammerlock hunt creatures for example)
󠀡󠀡 Sep 17, 2016 @ 3:56pm 
Then i'd go hellborn and Mania if so
Guy  [author] Sep 17, 2016 @ 3:45pm 
I feel the skills that I use make you more than tanky enough, any time I run hellborn I never have issues with life total, so this build is probably optimal

Also if you want more melee based build Maniac is probably better for you, but melee Krieg always bored me so I tried to make him into a gun character and it seemed to work almost better I want to say
󠀡󠀡 Sep 17, 2016 @ 6:09am 
So lemme just ask, what if i would like max out all those skills in hellborn? my friend did it and she is basically immortal, and then what skill tree would you recommend the most?
Guy  [author] Sep 16, 2016 @ 6:27pm 
The main reason I didn't max that skill is because it's a kill skill, and in general I'm not a fan of them due to being ramp up time, I got 2 points into it because I had 2 points leftover + it gets 5 points from the mod
󠀡󠀡 Sep 16, 2016 @ 3:44am 
)I only have one question, even though i most likely won't get an answer for it...but anyways i was wondering why you didn't max out the fuel the fire skill?