Dota 2
34 ratings
My Guide To Owning as Lone Druid
By Yacresta
Lone Druid or Syllabear is a hero that excels at pushing and carrying. He can play almost every role and be in almost every lane

Lone Druid or Syllabear is a hero that excels at pushing and carrying. He can play almost every role and be in almost every lane. He is an agility carry but played like a strength carry.

>Lots of HP with True Form
>Pretty good agility
>Very good armor
>Nice range when in Druid form
>Excellent last hitting power with both Bear and Druid
>Does not really need mana
>Two heroes
>Can solo Roshan at an early level
>Can go to any lane
>Has 12 item slots
>Is a Carry
>Is a Bear
>Can summon a Bear
>Has a beard
>Powerful at all stages of the game

>Terrible intelligence
>Melee when in True Form
>Requires some micro
>No escape
>Squishy without True Form
>No AOE damage
>Somewhat low strength
>Movement speed kind of slow when in True Form
>Not recommened for newer players
Sylla, the Lone Druid

Roles: Carry, Pusher, Jungler

Strength: 17 + 2.1
Agility: 24 + 2.7
Intelligence: 13 + 1.4

Hit points at level 1/18/25: 473 / 1,032 / 1,811
Mana at level 1/18/25: 169 / 424 / 866
Base Damage: 46-50
Base Armor: 3.36
Base Movement Speed: 325 (280 with True Form)
Attack Range: 550
Base Attack Time: 1.7 (1.6 with True Form)
Sight Range: 1800/800
Base HP regen: 0.5

Spirit Bear

Hit points at level 1/2/3/4: 1400 / 1800 / 2300 / 2700
Duration: Pernament
Base Damage with maxed out Synergy: 68-78
Base Armor at level 1/2/3/4: 3 / 4/ 5 / 6
Base Movement Speed with maxed out Synergy: 360
Attack Range: 128 (Melee)
Base Attack Time: 1.75 / 1.65 / 1.55 / 1.45
Bounty and Experience: 300 / 300

Lone Druid's Lore:

Long before the first words of the first histories there rose the druidic Bear Clan. Wise and just they were, and focused in their ways to seek an understanding of the natural order. The arch forces of nature saw this, and so sought the most learned among them. Wise old Sylla, clan justiciar and seer, stepped forward for his kin, and to him was given the Seed with these words: 'When all of the world has dimmed, when civilization has left these lands, when the world is slain and wracked by the endless deserts at the end of ages, plant the Seed.' As he grasped his trust, Sylla felt his years recede and his vitality returned. Vast knowledge burst into his mind. He found himself able to project his very will into reality and, with some concentration, alter his own physical form as well. Yet subtle whispers and cruel ears brought word of the Seed and its power to other peoples, and a terrible war crashed upon the Bear Clan. As his ancestral home burned, Sylla took his burden and fled to the wild places. Ages passed, and time and myth forgot the Bear Clan, forgot Sylla and the Seed, forgot wondrous civilizations that rose and fell in Bear Clan’s wake. For millenia, Sylla has waited, waited for word from his deities, waited for peace to come to the ever warring realms, waited in exile and in secret for the end of all things and for the conclusion of his sacred commitment, preparing himself always to face and destroy whatever would dare threaten his purpose.
Lone Druid's Abilities

Summon Spirit Bear
This ability is called Summon Spirit Bear. It will summon your Spirit Bear. It is the signature ability of Lone Druid. It has a very long cooldown (180/160/140/120 seconds) . so remember to keep the bear safe. Mana cost is 75. should be maxed first at levels 1, 3, 5 , and 7. If Spirit Bear dies then you will suffer backlash damage. The backlash damage comes in the form of composite damga which is reduced by armor and magic resistance. If Spirit Bear is denied then you will not take backlash damage. Your Spirit Bear can do almost anything from scouting, drawing aggro from towers and creeps, stacking ancients/camps, buy items, push waves with Radiance, let people TP on it with Boots of Travel, dealing massive rightclick damage or harassing enemy heroes with Radiance. Remember that when you die, your Spirit Bear does too so if you are going to die, don't resummon the bear, so that you can resummon it when you respawn. Spirit Bear is treated as a hero so spells cast on it will last as long as they do on heroes. Spirit Bear now gives 300 gold instead of 100 so now you have to be a bit more careful with him.

This ability is called Rabid. It is a movement speed and attack speed buff for both you and your bear. It should be maxed last because it is not very useful without Synergy. Mana cost is 50 I like to take it at levels 10, 12, 13, and 14.

This ability is called Synergy. It is a passive that buffs your Spirit Bear and all your other abilities. It is important because Synergy increases your bear speed and damage. I max it second at levels 2, 4, 6, and 8. If you take True Form at level 6 then you will get it a levels 2, 4, 8, 9.

True Form
This ability is called True Form. It turns Lone Druid into a BEAR. It will make him melee and remove 45 movement speed but with synergy maxed, it gives Lone Druid 1000 extra HP, 8 armor and reduces his base attack time (BAT) to 1.6. When you are transforming you can dodge some stuns. Mana cost is 25. It has no cooldown. I get this ability at 9, 11, and 16. Sometimes if you are not feeling very safe in your lane you can take this at level 6. Once you get this ability you should stay the rest of the game in it since Lone Druid is very squishy and easy to kill and True Form will give you lots of HP and armor. The only time you should really be in Druid Form is in the early game, if you want move really fast, if you're healing since you will heal a larger precentage of your HP, or if you are trying to trying to dodge stuns.

True Form Return
This ability is called True Form Return. It is a sub ability given when you are in True Form.
You can also dodge stuns like True Form if you transform with this ability.

Battle Cry
This ability is called Battle Cry. It give damage and armor to Lone Druid and Spirit Bear. It should be used in teamfights, ganks, pushing towers, and when doing Roshan.

Spirit Bear's Abilities

This ability is called Return. It is given to Spirit Bear when you level Summon Spirit Bear to level 2. It returns Spirit Bear to Lone Druid's current location. It is global and has a 5 second cooldown. It can be used for many cool things such as using Spirit Bear as a courier and bringing the items back or doing Radiance harass then bringing it back.

Entangling Claws
This ability is called Entangling Claws. It is given to Spirit Bear when you level Summon Spirit Bear to level 3. It is Lone Druid's only disable. It goes through magic immunity but will not work if the target gets magic immunity after Entangling Claws is activated. It does 60 physical dps per second and lasts for 3 seconds on heroes and 9 seconds on creeps. This is the reason you build attack speed items on Spirit Bear since it is such a great disable. The only problem is that it has a 5 second cooldown. Another cool thing is that it disables invisibility, blinking, channeling and transforming.

This ability is called Demolish. It is given to Spirit Bear when you level Summon Spirit Bear to level 4. It increases Spirit Bear's damage against buildings by 40% (Formerly 60% but Icefrog has nerfed it) and increases its magic resistance by 33%. This allows Spirit Bear to last longer in teamfights against magic nukes and push towers extremely fast.
Laning/Earlygame phase
Before the start of the game, use Spirit Bear to check the runes. Spirit Bear can use the runes but he cant benefit from them. He can also deny the runes. Another thing he can do is do a level 1 Roshan. If you see someone pick Lone Druid with a Skeleton King or Ursa, then it would be best to check out th Roshan pit.

Laning Lone Druid on the safe lane with the support is the best option for Lone Druid. He can also solo mid or solo suicide lane since he is such a good laner. For safe lane you will probably be up against a dual or solo lane. If solo you can relax because it will be very easy since Lone Druid is the best 1V1 laner in the game. If double it will be a bit harder but it will still be okay. If they use a trilane then ask for help. For starters, the laning item build is 3 Ironwood Branches, 1 Tango, and 1 Salve for the Druid and 1 Stout Shield for the Bear. You should have 1 control group for both the druid and your bear, one for the druid, and one for the bear.

You should be using you and your bear to last hit and harass. Since you both have pretty high damage you should not miss any last hits. For harassing you can either just click on the enemy hero with your bear which will result in drawing creep aggro and your bear taking some harass. Another option is to move your bear right beside them and then click on them. This will only result in the ranged creeps aggro and therefore less harass on your bear. By the second creep wave you should be able to afford a Orb of Venom to put on your bear. This will increase the harass damage the bear puts out immensly and it also slows a crazy amount which will allow your druid to get some little hits on the enemy hero and will do wonders in the midgame.

After the Orb of Venom, there are 4 routes you can take. You can either get Tranquil Boots for the Druid and Phase Boots for your Bear and then rushing for Radiance, Getting Hand of Midas/Double Hand of Midas and then rushing for Radiance, getting just normal boots and then rushing for Radiance, or just flat out rushing for Radiance. Remember that if you use Midas on the Bear, you dont get the experience so you should put both on the Druid to get maximum experience. After you get your Radiance, if you have not gotten boots yet, remember to buy them! Remember that you will want to have your Radiance at about 10 minutes earliest and 30 minutes latest. The ideal time is 20 minutes. Tranquils Boots have been nerfed but they are still good. If you do not want Tranquils then get Phase Boots or Power Treads.

The reason you get Phase Boots for your bear is because with max Rabid and boots he will move at 521 movement speed (MS) which is 1 MS from haste/maximum speed. There is no need for boots of travel since he has no mana and the bear does not benefit from stats making Power Treads useless. Phase Boots also allows your bear to unit walk which will let him pass any annoying creeps blocking him. Tranquil Boots for Lone Druid is also recommended because it gives him lots of MS which will counteract the True Form's movement loss. You can also transform back into Druid Form and then heal since you will heal more HP. Phase Boots are the other option for Lone Druid since they also give him lots of MS which lets him get out of dangerous situations when in True Form. It also gives him some nice damage for getting more last hits.

Remember that while Lone Druid is very powerful in early game he will lose some power after a few minutes. The reason is that Lone Druid will be rushing for Radiance while other heroes will be getting better items and not saving up 3800 gold. This will make you somewhat open to ganks to be sure that your supports are getting wards and babysitting you. Remember that you can use your bear as a courier to pick up items and then use Return to bring it back.

If you ever get ganked, just go under tower while making your bear attack them. The bear can slow them with Orb of Venom and maybe get a lucky entagle off. If you are diving a tower, use Spirit Bear to tank but dont let him die because your early game will be much harder.

Some people (Aui_2000) do not like getting Radiance on Spirit Bear so instead you can get a Maelstorm for farming. The Maelstorm is also much cheaper and comes with cheaper compenents so it is more safe and easier to build. It also gives the bear some excellent attack speed allowing for more entangles.

If your team/your team is really behind or you are really behind on your farm, just focus on building towards utility/support items since they will benefit your team alot more then an unfinshed Radiance/Maelstorm. The utility/support items you should be build towards will include Assault Cuirass, Pipe of Insight, Necronomicon, Medallion of Courage, Necronomicon, Linken's Sphere, Drum of Endurance, Ghost Scepter, Mekansm, Vladmir's Offering, and MKB.

Things you will not want to do during the laning phase is lose Spirit Bear since he is what allows you to dominate lanes by harassing and denying, and Spirit Bear allows you to last hit with ease.
If you want you can jungle Lone Druid. A few reasons for this might be you don't have a good lane for Lone Druid, you got ganked and need to finish Radiance safely, or you are not that good at micro. Jungling is not the best for Lone Druid because it is slower in farm and experience then in lane but it can work.

If you wish to jungle him, then you should go the laning item build or getting a Stout Shield and Quelling blade on your bear, and either 1 Tango or 2 Ironwood Branches for your Druid.

You should start with easy camp and stack it at :53 seconds. You can also do a medium pull or just take out camps. Items to get will probably be the same as the laning build.
The cool thing about Lone Druid is that since he has 12 item slots, lots of underused midgame items are good on him. Now that you have Radiance, your farm rate should increase to very high levels. You should get a Planeswalkers Cloak which will give you some nice magic resistance.

For your bear I recommend getting an Assault Cuirass (AC) on the bear since it will increase the Druid and the Bears armor and attack speed which will allow you to proc more entangles. At this time most of your items will be on your bear so keep the Druid back if you're feeling unsafe and remember to stay in True Form.

After this I recommend getting some items for the Druid for survivability. A Drum of Endurance or Ghost Scepter would be very good. If your team is all carries, consider getting a Mek. You can also turn your cloak into a Hood of Defiance. For your Bear, getting a Skull Basher into Abyssal Blade is very good. A MKB if they have any evasion heroes is very nice. An Armlet is nice for which I will explain later.

An cool thing you can do is send your Bear to a empty lane or the jungle to use the Radiance burn for farming, then use Return to send the Bear back to you. Another thing you can do is send your bear after some support hero. The Radiance will do plenty of damage and it can even kill them, then right after you use Return on your Bear to send it back to you. They will find it hard to kill the bear since it is so tanky. The problem is that Icefrog has nerfed the bear so that it cannot use Return for 3 seconds after being damaged by a player. Now you have to use a bit more micro and have to be a bit more careful using this tactic since Summon Spirit Bear has a very long cooldown.

At this time you should either be pushing towers with Rabid and Battle Cry, doing Roshan, or teamfighting. Remember that when a teamfight starts, you can use return to bring you Bear back to fight. Lone Druid is very dangerous at this point and you can absolutely wreck supports if you get an entangle. The Radiance damage will also be significant and you can stand up to other carries since they have not reached their full power yet.
Late game
At this time is when carries become very scary and you are no exception. The problem is that other carries also become scary. At this time your items should be somewhat full. You should have gotten Boots of Travel by now as well. These boots make you move very fast permanently, and you can also teleport to your Bear.

This period of the game is when people can kill your Spirit Bear kind of easy. This is when you should put some of your Spirit Bear's items on the Druid. The reason is that if your Spirit Bear dies all the farm you have on him will be gone for 2 minutes and at this time you will probably be doing more damage then Spirit Bear. You should have very good items so you can stand up to the enemy's carries. Some good items can by double Abyssal Blade (1 on Druid and 1 on Bear). A Heart of Tarrasque is excellent for HP. A Butterfly will give you evasion and lots of armor, adding to your survivability. A Shiva's guard will give you lots of Armor as well as nuke/slow. Remember to save for buyback at this time.

A example of a (hypothetical) full item slot Lone Druid would be
Butterfly, Heart of Tarrasque, Pipe of Insight, Abyssal Blade, Boots of Travel, and Vladmir's Offering
Assault Cuirass, Mjollnir, Abyssal Blade, Phase Boots, MKB, Daedalus
Situtational Items
Medallion of Courage
Armor and mana regen. Useful when roshing.

Hand of Midas
You will be behind early game but you can get late game items much faster. You will also get extra xp which is always useful.

Scythe of Vyse/Sheepstick
A disable plus some stats. Good if your team has no stuns or someone else is the main carry.

Good vs Broodmother and PL.

Shadow Blade
Good in pubs.

Abyssal Blade
Good on both Druid and Bear.

Manta Style
Excellent stats and some MS. Also a way to get rid of debuffs on you.

Shiva's Guard
Excellent armor and the active is very good.

This item will give you damage, attack speed, armor, and evasion. What else would you want?

Heaven's Halberd
Cheaper then a Butterfly and also give some strength. The disarm is excellent for shutting down carries.

Heart of Tarrasque
It gives good HP and excellent regeneration.

Pipe of Insight
Excellent upgrade from Planeswalkers Cloak.

An upgrade from Orb of Venom, it gives massive slow plus mana and HP. Very expensive so I would not recommend you getting this. If you want you can put this on bear so it can use items that require mana (Dagon, Mjollnir, Abyssal Blade, Shadow Blade).

If its on the Druid, the summons will be affected by Battle Cry. If you put it on the Bear they will not be affected by Battle Cry. It also provides some nice strength for Lone Druid

Lone Druid is an excellent gem carrier since he has so much HP and armor. Gem does not work if on Spirit Bear

If you put on Bear, he will gain some nice damage and attack speed. If you turn on active, the Bear will gain damage and attack speed but not any strength gain. He will also now get the HP degen. You can also put on Lone Druid for Wodota plays. Spirit Bear now gets the HP degen so I don't recommend you getting this anymore. Instead go for either Mjollnir or Assault Cuirass.

Get if they have any evasion heroes or if someone getting a Butterfly.

BKB is important on any carry hero. Druid does not normally get this since he puts all items on Bear but get this if there are lots of disables on enemy team.

Daedalus (Burzia)
Good damage for bear.

Divine Rapier
When you are really behind.

Excellent on Bear for taking towers.

Sange and Yasha
Some nice MS + damage, and you can disassemble later for Manta and Heaven's Halberd

Ghost Scepter
Get when the enemy carry is focusing the druid.

Etheral Blade
A upgrade for Ghost Scepter, this is useful when because you can make someone else etheral too.

Dagon 5
ZAP! Fun on the bear if you get an energy booster or point booster.

Soul Ring
A very wierd idea, if you put on Bear, it will give it mana so you can use items on it.
A game where Purge pwns after getting shut down.

A game where Purge plays with a PANDA.

A cool trick to do if going long lane.

Some cool True From Tricks.

Guy called Alan does some Jungle Lone Druid.

Dendi goes double midas.

Admiral Bulldog goes solo long lane.

IG.Zhou goes Lone Druid.

Dotacinema's introduction to Lone Druid

Dignitas goes Ogre Lone Druid Combo.
Heroes that help you
Magnus will can give bear Empower which gives 20%/30%/40%/50% bonus damage and cleave!
The bonus damage only affects the base damage of the bear so it won't be dealing lots of extra damage but the 50% cleave is very nice for farming and clearing waves.

Invoker has Alacrity which will give lots of damage and attack speed, both of which are important for the bear.

Living Armour will help you out a lot and can save the druid in a pinch. Nature's Guise can also be situationally helpful.

Ogre Magi
Bloodlust gives extra MS and attack speed. The MS won't do much but the attack speed is very useful.

Howl will give some extra damage to the bear. Lycan is also a very good split pusher like Sylla and can synergize well by pushing 2 different lanes at once.

His aura will give some nice attack speed.

Skeleton King
Lifesteal aura is nice for spirit bear.

All of his abilities are useful! You can always use a heal or magic immunity.

His shield will do lots of damage if put on the bear and the enemy focuses the bear. Death Coil can also give some nice HP.

Healing ward is what you are looking for from Juggernaut. Since bear has some much HP, the healing ward will heal the bear very fast.

Dazzle's ult will give lots of armor for you and lots of -armor for them. Shallow Grave will also be nice and Shadow Wave will deal some nice damage if cast on the bear with enemies around.

Lich can give some nice armor which the bear lacks.

His Shadow Word will give some nice heal to the bear.

Vengeful Spirit
Her aura will not be super useful for the bear but it does give some damage.
Please comment and leave feedback
与你满心欢喜 May 14, 2014 @ 7:01am 
Help me rate my invoker QE Guide!! thanks very much
Yacresta  [author] Nov 7, 2013 @ 7:33pm 
Sorry man been busy.
TroubleMaker™ Nov 3, 2013 @ 11:10pm 
please update the rest. find it quite useful thanks.
The Hawaii Yankee Jun 18, 2013 @ 7:55am 
Hopefully this hero will be less impossible for me now
Yacresta  [author] Mar 4, 2013 @ 8:50pm 
lightzz Mar 1, 2013 @ 7:28am 
woooohoooo I love it ...