Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

204 ratings
How to get rich in TF2
By Chris
Today I will show you some simple steps to get the Earbuds or any other rare items. Just follow those 6 steps.
Step 1
First, you'll need an item, so get a drop. It can be any, just make sure it is a drop or else it's worth nothing.
Step 2
Go on a website like Outpost[] or Trading Post[], login using steam, and put it up for trade, ask for either a scrap or 2 random weapons.

Example :
Step 3
Here you can choose :
a.(If you get a scrap.) You need to scrapbank, find a scrap banker. Sell them the scrap for 2 weapons (Any will do).
b.(If you get two random weapons) Put those up on either of the sites listed above. Sell them each for two random weapons or a scrap.
Step 4
Repeat step 2 - 3b until you get enough metal for a key or a good strange (Like some Strange Mantreads or Strange shotty), or you can keep getting metal.
Step 5
Save metal, then, go out and post on one of those websites I listed above (again) offering the metal for a hat of your choice. Use this[] to know the correct prices.
When you get a hat, try sell it for a little bit more metal than it's worth, or a little more than what you paid for it.
Repeat step 5 as long as you want.

Example :
Step 6
Buy Bill hats, Earbuds or Keys. Those are currency to buy an unusual, or anything really.
So there you have it. Note, this can take time! If you follow this guide to the letter, you will begin to get some amazing items.
Hope I helped you and +Like if you did, share if you want your friends to know and subscribe for more :)

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Pumpblench Feb 7, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
guys, this guide is outdated. now its impossible to get unusual from single weapon.
76561198887954172 Feb 8, 2021 @ 10:07am 
its good but
i am lazy :(
Leafbox_ Aug 17, 2017 @ 3:26pm 
boi, i also payed like 100$ for tf2 and 40 dollars did i use for the market. i am amlost rich
Katie Jul 18, 2017 @ 2:15am 
Why the fuck would someone sell their hat for cheap and why the fuck would someone buy your hat for more than its worth. That's trading a a fucking nutshell. A waste of time, nobody is going to do shit
Chris  [author] May 13, 2017 @ 3:32pm 
you can always use for that
GaussTheWizard May 13, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
I'm having trouble selling my unique weapons. Is there a secret?
Average Gamer Feb 4, 2017 @ 4:30pm 
How much time will this take
thenixieproject Sep 9, 2015 @ 2:11pm 
Some instructions are unclear. Step 3 says a. (If you get scrap) You need to scrapbank, find a scrap banker. Sell them the scrap for 2 weapons (Any will do). But Step 4 indicates Repeat Step 2-3b until you get enough metal for a Key or a Good Strange (like Strange Mantreads or Shotty) or you can keep getting metal. Step 3a states to find a scrapbanker to keep your metal when Step 4 indicates to save metal for keys and Stranges. Do we find scrapbankers or do we keep our metal.
you can also sell your 100s of crates to get a dollar.
I LOVE WOMEN!!! Jul 15, 2015 @ 5:12pm 
the sits don't find my items, why is this?