The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

127 ratings
How to get Kenny's bro speech
By UFO_boxing
Hi there! So, do you wanna know how to get on Kenny's good side and be a true bro? Read this guide and you will find out which are the decisions that truly matter towards reaching that goal!
Episode 1: "A New Day"
Who did you save?

During the first episode, we first encounter Kenny on Hershel's farm, and a little while after meeting and talking with him, we will face our first important decision: either to try (and fail) to save Shawn or help him save his son Duck.

This one is kind of obvious. After you have saved Duck your first step towards gaining his friendship will be completed!
Episode 1: "A New Day"
Loyalty: Who did you side with?

After leaving the farm alongside Kenny and his family, you will encounter a new group of survivors; some of them are very nice while some others not so much...

After Carley and Glenn help you escape a group of walkers, Lee, Clem, Kenny, and his family will get into the drugstore, and then a discussion will start. At some point, Larry will argue that Duck had been bitten by a walker during the escape and proposes to dispose of him to prevent a disaster. Your task will be to help Kenny defend his son against Larry's accusations. The dialogue options you are given are irrelevant until the climax of the discussion, where it is essential to stop Larry either by verbally confronting him or by telling Kenny to punch his lights out (the latter does not go so well, but Kenny will still appreciate your support).

After we have defended Duck, our mustachioed friend will be very grateful and will call Lee a "good friend" after rescuing him from a walker at the end of the episode!

Episode 2: "Starved For Help"
During this episode, we will be given plenty of chances to side with Kenny, but there are only two that really matter!

Who did you give food to?

The first important decision will take place in the Motor Inn. It will start once Lilly assigns Lee with the task of handing four pieces of food to the group. You should know that Kenny is only concerned with the wellbeing of his family, so it is absolutely necessary to feed Duck. Moreover, although you should ALWAYS do it, you must also feed Clem to stay on his good side, otherwise he will not be happy.

Additionally, while you could hand him some food to be a good bro, it is not really necessary, as he will not blame you if you don't. He knows there is not a lot of food to go around and that the kids come first.

After the deed is done, he will approach Lee and thank him for taking care of his son. Additionally, he will also defend Lee if Larry criticizes our rationing decisions.
Episode 2: "Starved For Help"
Pragmatism: Did you help Kenny kill Larry?

Later in the episode, after finding out the St. Johns' little secret, Kenny, Lilly, Larry, Clem, and Lee will be locked in a meat locker!

A little while after we wake up, Larry will suffer a heart attack, which could result in him coming back as a walker and eating all of you! Here you must side with Kenny and help him kill Larry before he can turn.

Your job will be to pull Lilly back to get her away from her
father to allow Kenny to take care of him, which will result in this >

If done correctly, Kenny will help you against Danny St. John after you leave the meat locker. Additionally, after escaping the farm he will offer you and Clem to leave the Motor Inn together with him and his family in the RV.
Episode 3: "Long Road Ahead"
Sweet, Merciful Death: Did you shoot the girl?

During the first minutes of the episode, Lee and Kenny will be scavenging for supplies in Macon. At this point, Kenny should be very friendly towards Lee and call him "pal."

After we complete some tasks, a woman will show up and will start screaming and drawing all of the walker's attention.

After she gets bit, Kenny suggests leaving her alive to give them more time to look for supplies. Here you have to take his advice and leave the woman to her fate.

Thanks to the extra time you are given, you will most likely be able to take all the supplies left in the drugstore. However, once the woman on the street dies, the building will start to be overrun by walkers, and our friends will be forced to flee. While you are escaping, a door with some walkers on top of it will fall over Lee. If you have followed this guide correctly, Kenny will not hesitate and will come to aid you, which will indicate that we are on the right path.
Episode 3: "Long Road Ahead"
A Heavy Burden: Who took care of Duck?

After the plot moves forward, a group of bandits will eventually attack the Motor Inn, and several walkers will start to invade the place as well. Amid the chaos, Duck will get bitten by one of them.

Later in the episode, after you fix the train and start your journey to Savannah, Kenny will refuse to deal with Duck, and you will have to make him stop the train by confronting him either verbally or physically. The method you choose does not affect your friendship, so it is up to you.

When the time comes, you will have the option to either take care of Duck yourself, make Kenny do it, or leave the child to turn. You must make sure you don't choose the latter. Moreover, if you are the one who takes care of him, Kenny will be grateful.

Episode 4: "Around Every Corner"
For whom the bell tolls: Ben's fate?

Now we have arrived at the last important decision affecting Kenny. During the previous episode, Duck got bit by a walker during the bandit raid, which will be revealed to have been caused by Ben, who had been secretly helping the bandits by giving them supplies in the hopes of avoiding a conflict.

During this episode, the plot will take you to Crawford. After you get the things your group needs, you will be attacked by a group of walkers, and while you are trying to escape, Ben will reveal his actions to Kenny, who will be outraged. At some point, Ben will fall from a ledge and, Lee will grab his hand. Here you will have the option to either save Ben or let him fall and die to give Kenny peace of mind.

Sadly, you will have to let him fall.
Do I have to kill both Larry and Ben?
Actually, you don't have to. The least important choices to be on his good side are helping him kill Larry and letting Ben fall from the tower.

If you have sided with Kenny during the key moments listed in this guide, you can refuse to help him kill Larry or save Ben and still be on good terms with him, but you will have to do at least one of them to be a true bro!
The Bro Speech
If you have faithfully followed this guide, at the end of the episode, when Clem gets kidnapped and you either ask for help to rescue her or decide to go alone, Kenny will follow you and help you rescue her no matter what.

This is the final result; he will be determined to help you!

~ Additionally, hiding your bite from the group will not change your relationship with him but will change the speech a bit, replacing the last part with him telling you that Clem and you are all the family he has got left.
During episode 3, if you fail to make Kenny stop the train you will see a little Easter egg called
"Duck-pocalypse", you can see how to get it and what happens here!

End of the guide
Thanks a lot for reading my little guide. As I really love Kenny, and I've played this game more times than my fingers can count, I figured it'd be fun to share what I've learned throughout my playthroughs with you all.

I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and congratulations on becoming a true bro!

Heshynver Mar 30 @ 10:49am 
I'm waking up to ash and dust. I wipe my ass and I slap my nuts, I'm breathing in my testicles. I'm wiping ass, I'm hitting balls, and slapping nuts! It really hurts! This is it, the nutpocalypse... Woah! I'm slapping nuts, I'm sucking all the toes, I'm fucking all the hoes! I cum while I'm crying!
Dionizy Mocznik Feb 20 @ 11:47am 
If you will do everything like in this guide you dont need to kill ben and still get the speech atleast it worked for me
Sturmgeschutz Nov 10, 2023 @ 7:41pm 
I got his bro speech, 10/10 guide
UFO_boxing  [author] Oct 13, 2023 @ 5:01pm 
You can totally do it! As long as you help him take care of Duck afterwards
shockwave_e10 Oct 6, 2023 @ 8:05pm 
what about if you beat his ass would he still be on your side
DeadX May 25, 2023 @ 3:17pm 
didnt need this guide but i appreciate having this guide kenny is a g
//_Mercer_// Jan 4, 2023 @ 7:36am 
boat god :Kenny:
//_Mercer_// Jan 3, 2023 @ 3:36am 
W guide but i picked those decisions in my original play through anyway
Tornadic Nov 11, 2022 @ 3:07am 
boat god :whiteward::mkbear:
Suki Feb 13, 2022 @ 9:22am 
Fuck Lilly, I have no remorse for killing her dad.