Blook   United States
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Semantic Satiation Apr 12, 2022 @ 7:38pm 
Yo that is legit helpful, thanks lol
Gordon Combs Jul 29, 2020 @ 2:32pm 
Sitting in his bedroom of his parents white suburban home, "The US is a 3rd world country" he typed on a computer his parents bought, the comment sent using the internet his parents pay for while his mom was cooking him chicken tendies.

his mom walks in, disgusted

“Gerald please, you’re 26 years old. When are you going to find a job, or a girlfriend, or anyone to talk to that isn’t online?”

“shut up mom im starting a political revolution!!!” he cries out.
Flyinghorsemonster Jun 19, 2020 @ 8:07am 
Gamers really are the most oppressed minority...
Gordon Combs Aug 7, 2018 @ 12:56am 
🚨 🚨 🚨

Hey 👋😀 I Just checked🧐🔬📝 your profile👤 by chance🎲 and saw👀 that you are a girl😛🚺🤤 by your picture📸😏. Also saw👀 that you play 🎮games🎮 like Counter Strike 🛋️ 🎳and Various Poorly Written Nude Anime Visual Novels 👧🏻🙌 and etc. Being a 🎮gamer🎮 girl😛💁♀️🤤 is really 🆒🌬❄️❗️

Sorry for being rude😔😤😉, I din’t know🤔💭 just now that you were a girl😛🚺🤤. Mind🧠 being friends?😻💏I really 💞adore💞 girls who 🎮game🎮 Maybe🤷♂️ we could play😏🍆🥜 some of the 🎮games🎮 together🧝♀️✨🧝♀️ some time🕰 I have messaged📲 you, 🙇♂️hope🙇♂️ for a reply📬
