GitsN'Shiggles( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jake R. Mundy   Australia
You wanna know somethin'? The pizza was ogre aggressive, but when it took an arrow to the knee, it made a guy cry because of a rainbow, thus alternating the universe in where a black guy is obsesed with Pills, while riding an old, rusty camper van. Suddenly, a war obsesed guy known as 'Painis Cupcake' tries to eat you, while you ask a very polite GentleSpy to get you a sandvich in Medic's refrigerator, next to a decapitated frenchmen's head, that is wearing a ski mask and smoking a cigarette begging you to kill him. You then say later, then leave the RubberFruit demension. You ash' fo' it.