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Recent reviews by やめて

Showing 1-9 of 9 entries
1 person found this review helpful
177.8 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted August 9, 2017.
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71.8 hrs on record (70.1 hrs at review time)
G. O. T. 's, they've escaped.
Posted November 28, 2016.
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13.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Posted September 16, 2016.
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106.6 hrs on record (98.4 hrs at review time)
"Tom...whats 937/73?" "No idea"

Thats the DPS system in a nutshell. No one knows whats good on a gun or not because the DPS number your game displays takes into account your ACCURACY and bullet STABILITY as well as crit CHANCE, normal body crits, headshot crits, no crits at all on the body, and no crits at all in the head. Then it guesses on average how many bullets you're actually going to hit in those particular areas and if you're going to hit those crits or not. Then wallah heres you're estimated ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DPS number. DON'T LISTEN TO IT. Just builed a ton of crit chance and damage and pray to Allah you'll kill stuff.
Posted April 4, 2016.
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46.2 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
Wow I love Shovel Knight
Posted November 15, 2015.
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136.9 hrs on record (89.5 hrs at review time)
Cant worship Molag Bal, take his mace, and trap Belethor's soul in a gem to consume as my own to remove my vampirism, and then sentence him to Coldharbour for eternity.
"Some call these things trash, me, I call them treasures."- Belethor of Belethor's General Goods

Nah but seriously don't buy this expecting Skyrim Online, this is just like any other MMO but with all the amazing Elder Scrolls gameplay. Combat system is generaly the same as Skyrims except when it comes to all the general MMO combat mechanics. You don't even need to play it as an MMO either. You can treat the game just as any single player Elder Scrolls game like I do. Lore is a little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ though. Argonian's fighting along side the Dark Elves who enslaved them for thousands of years??? but whatever its still a great game and with no more subscription fee its totally worth it.
Posted August 21, 2015. Last edited August 31, 2015.
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20.7 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
Posted June 28, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
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49.0 hrs on record (17.2 hrs at review time)
Its like your Hitler...but your killing 6 million Orcs so it ok!
Posted January 6, 2015. Last edited January 6, 2015.
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3 people found this review funny
2,269.0 hrs on record (931.0 hrs at review time)
Do you like first-person shooters? Do you like weapon upgrades and class upgrades? Do you like mayhem and explosions? Well guess what all your gonna get is Russsians and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Пошел в эту игру я ненавижу всех. Ruined my life and turned me into a racist. Darren Wilson: 1, Michael Brown: 0. 9/11 game.
Posted December 30, 2014.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries