Add a comment of why your adding me or don't get added.
현재 오프라인
My Rules and Info
Friend Rules
I do not accept random friend request
If you are random state your reason down in the comments
I do not accept trade friends
Don't go over the edge in anyway or form
Please be friendly
Be lvl 5 or up
Do not add me if you are not going to talk to me
Do not spam me in anyway
Do not ask for stuff

Friend cleanout 03/15/2018

Don't add me if your not going to talk to me
Do not invite me to group unless you ask first I will remove you!
Be nice!
Tell me if you are going to remove me and why!

In Game: I may be be doing something, but I should respond.
Online: I will certainly respond, but game request will be ignored.
Away: I may respond, this is uncertain though.
Busy: I'm doing something, please don't bother me.
Looking To Play/Looking To Trade: I'm never in this state.
Offline: Chances are you won't get anything out of me.

About Me
I am a male.
Favorite Game: Gmod
Favorite Color: Red and Black
Favorite Food: Sandwich
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew
Favorite Past Time: Playing Games
Favorite Animal: Snow Leopard
Favorite Song: The Search
Favorite Movie: John Wick
Favorite Tv Show: GOT
Favorite Hobby: ParkOur

What to know more about me? Ask me! (You need to get to know me first)
좋아하는 그룹
Zephyrus Networks - 공개 그룹
Last Legion Gaming CWRP
게임 중
채팅 중
창작마당 전시대
https://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Version 2: Version 1 of this map broke due to Gmod general updates. So i went back in to fix some things, fine tune some spooks, and add some new events here and there. Not many. The map now comes with a Nav_mesh and a Node_
160명이 평가했습니다.
제품 평가 전시대
4,723시간 플레이
this games is fun if you have time to play.
최근 활동
기록상 39시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 4월 18일
기록상 1,252시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 4월 18일
기록상 9,055시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 4월 16일
stringball 2019년 5월 25일 오후 5시 25분 
declined by accident, whoops!
KLB3 2019년 5월 25일 오후 1시 11분 
Soft Fuzzy Man~ 2019년 5월 24일 오후 8시 09분 
Uh hi.
yayo 2018년 12월 21일 오후 5시 29분 
Hey, I'm adding you from GMod Store for the Star Wars RP Server!
Crimson Aridity 2018년 12월 20일 오후 5시 21분 
i want to be your friend and i sent you a friend request im in your steam group
Vizerio-FORCEDROP.net 2018년 12월 16일 오후 8시 30분 