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249 people found this review helpful
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2.2 hrs on record
Well I have given this game 2.2 hours via Steam timer and I can honestly say that I cannot recommend this game. Some people may say that that amount of time cannot give a game a fair shake I think it can. I made it about 5 minutes into chapter 3.

- The music is wonderful and quite relaxing for my tastes.

Middle of the road:
- The visuals are decent. While I found the background and resource collection objects unique and very well done, but your ship and floating resources were very crude and uninspiring.
- The voice asset in the game were in my mind very well done. I do not know if it is a fully synthesized voice or if they had someone reading lines and then ran it through a mixing board. That being said the actual dialogue/diaries entries were written like a 16 year old trying to be deep, like Jayden Smith's Twitter deep. Some will find it endearing, I do not.

- The game-play just feels mediocre to me. All I have to do click in the direction that I want my ship to go, dodge some obstacles and that is it. But that is all you need right? In my mind no. A person needs challenged, they need to be drawn into the experience. There is no depth with this game-play. I feel that they could have done much more with the IP they created.

I think I can see what they were trying to do here and I applaud them for their efforts. This game is not my cup of tea, but it may be yours. Give it try if you feel that the points I brought up are not important for your experience.
Posted August 21, 2015. Last edited August 21, 2015.
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829 people found this review helpful
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4.7 hrs on record
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Posted March 15, 2015. Last edited March 15, 2015.
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