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егор2013 8 hours ago 
Привет! Я все выяснил по твоей просьбе: значит запись на
лечение геморроя проводится по пятницам с 9:00 кабинет №12
При себе иметь:
— чистые трусы;
— вазелин "Добрый волшебник", или "Влажный зайка";
— хирургические перчатки размером 7;
— деньги(750 руб.)
Извини что на стенке написал, у меня что-то
личка тормозит и не говори спасибо...:aunope:
disert_fox Feb 13 @ 4:47am 
As a person who has never played with cheats, I am very pleased with such flattering words. I will take your comment as a compliment. But no, I'm not a cheater, I just spent about 5000 hours in the game and 80% of that time was with AWP. At one time I even shot Shock at his own tournament.
Shermy Feb 12 @ 10:55am 
u can have 10k hours like the person said he/she has 4k hours even the best ranked player in the world got banned using party tools hacking elements. so i dont care how many hours u have, u play to good, perfect postions perfect aim something is clearly wrong with ur play u are a cheater by definition.:steamthumbsdown:
Shermy Feb 12 @ 10:53am 
i need an investigation for this account player. we had a mirage and every time the person knew where me and my team mates where in the map perfect positon perfect shoting with awp wich had changes in latest patches even the pro's cant yet accomodate with this game and this person plays like a pro something im sure is wrong with his/her playstyle. please investigate im sure something is wrong.:steamthumbsdown:
химик Sep 15, 2023 @ 5:53am 
прими го трейд
panic_off | TWITCH Jun 10, 2023 @ 9:57am