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38 people found this review helpful
898.0 hrs on record (364.8 hrs at review time)
Good to see PoxNora back on Steam, download it and get started. My best advice for beginners is not to look at rarity as terms of power, a combination of commons and uncommons can take down a poor group of exos and legs.

Poxbase.com is a 3rd party deck building site so you can theorycraft a bg while looking for games (DOGz needs to get a web developer and make a similar module WITHIN their website or buy out poxbase, but for now the system works)

Poxbox.net is also a 3rd party trading system, it shouldn't be taken for gospel, but is the best place for pricing and acquiring new runes.

Another good suggestion is goin on the forums and reading the combo threads within each faction, you will see a majority of battlegroups focused around these type of gimics so don't cheat yourself by not reading them. This is not a game of who has the more expensive runes (DOGz is making a good effort to make them all obtainable) rather a game of skill (through knowledge/experience) and whoever better knows their own battlegroup.
Posted October 15, 2014.
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