Ile-de-France, France
If you are here to complain, just block me its easier, if not GG have a good day
Gioco preferito
Ore di gioco
Lucky Bastard 14 apr, ore 14:04 
gg, finally I met another european player with decent internet :praisesun:
Krrsantan-TCC 10 apr, ore 12:46 
You've earned the respect of ''The Chainsaw Cvlt.'' Good for you, Bruno.
Masinini 29 mar, ore 10:32 
fun fight
Chaos Jesus 26 mar, ore 10:50 
+rep honorable fighter :praisesun:
Brunoff 20 mar, ore 15:12 
im the solo host what you talking about bro
Bambookat 20 mar, ore 15:04 
I only whip out Scarlet Rot on cancer hosts, no need to cry on my profile.
Maybe dont hide behind an overleveled summon for 20 mins, and I will resort to regular tactics next time I invade you.