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Recent reviews by Hallowed_Knight

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1 person found this review helpful
669.0 hrs on record (639.5 hrs at review time)
The game had an unfortunate launch which basically killed it, however DICE has spent a lot of time listening to the community and and brought the game back into an absolutely great place. I have around 650hr in the title at this point, i choose to ride out the bad and the good times to try and give an unbiased review. Personally, i always recommend this game to anyone who wants a Fun, Relaxing, insane FPS. Its my go to with friends who just want to have fun, i never seem to get frustrated with the game like i would with some of the other FPS.

The Game is in the best shape it has ever been especially with addition of the CQC Map in S6. In my opinion after playing the other AAA FPS Games on the market, 2042 still is better and more engaging in many aspects. The movement is crisp and fun, although vaulting is typical battlefield. Sound Engine is one of the better on the market, you can hear the enemy coming and moving around the Map allowing you to react and play situations better. Gun play is solid and the guns feel pretty good. I will admit the CoD might have the edge on gun play especially when talking about attachments and viability as well as skins.

Introduction of the Class system back into 2042 is exactly how it should have launched. I am not a huge fan of the specialist system but it does provide variety. Squad management needs improvements but its finally back in the game. DICE if you read this....don't ever remove the Class system or Squad management ever again you fools.

Vehicle play will is just Battlefield. I will admit i enjoy the Vehicles less then i did in BF1 however much more the BF4 and BFV. I believe this mainly due to the shear volume of Anti-vehicle stuff that can be tossed at you.

The Map design is much better than launch. I wont lie I think there is a lot of room for improvement in this area however these days it seems like no developer can make a good map so we have that. I believe DICE is still figuring out the 128player design and it will most likely take much more play testing to get the feeling just right. The biggest disappointment in map design is the lack of destruction for the 2042 maps. All the older Portal maps have destruction so it just feels bad. The new Redacted map is one of my all time favorites and i wont ever get bored of its chaos.

Customization and skins are decent however when compared to games like CoD they really fall short. Now with that said all the choices for skins feed grounded in 2042 which is my favorite aspect. I dislike the money grab that is the CoD skin Library today, i would prefer if we stuck to a more wartime aesthetic. I wish DICE would give us more Weapon skins that can be earned through challenges. The game feels lacking when it comes to earning things through challenges and gameplay. My main example is there is no real Skins provided for 300-1200 kills, you just need to grind until you hit 1200. How about a few more skins in the range and maybe some skins for crouch kills or something.

Overall, it may not be the Best Battlefield but it is the most fun i have playing an FPS today. I recommend it to anyone who want large scale Chaos and if someone is annoyed by the lack of Footsep audio in Cod.
Posted November 5, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
63.1 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
I am a huge RTS Fan and i still come back to this game and play it over and over. I only hope they bring it back to life with future revisions and more features. One of the greatest RTS games of all time right here!
Posted August 17, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
52.8 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
Dispite all of the Launch Issues for the PC which is very sad, i have been able to play the Game without experienceing many of the issues. Although some points i experience lag and weird graphics issues. I strongly believe that this game deserves awards!!

This is the Best out of the series by far in terms of combat, experience in game, multitude of missions and lets not forget the awesome story.

I would buy this game over and over again even with the launch issues. It is worth the play through. I
Posted July 1, 2015.
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