9 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.4 hrs on record
Posted: Mar 22, 2016 @ 9:11am

One of the worst games I've attempted to play ever. It looks nice enough. The sounds were okay. It just doesn't WORK! When I have to restart the game about 4 times just to be able to FINALLY pick up the book for the first puzzle, there is a problem. And watching the sword glitch through the floor is only funny the first time. It loses it's charm when you can't progress unless you take tiny steps up the stairs just to make sure the object stays with you and isn't lost into the depth of gaming hell.

Let's not forget that the story is also sub-par (when you can actually find the notes and figure out what's going on) and the scares are pathetic at best. Then again, maybe the story would have gotten better and I missed it. I ended up quitting just after I found what I think was a cemetary by the cabins, but I couldn't take how broken it was to stick to it and find out.

Developers, keep trying but make sure it works first.
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