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Posted: Jan 20, 2016 @ 10:22am
Updated: Jan 20, 2016 @ 10:50am

Three crashes to desktop during the tutorial mission. Following the advice on the forums did not help.

I loved the first one, but I am extremely disappointed here.
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ovd_masterkey Apr 29, 2021 @ 9:10am 
In my guide all "historical" versions are explained!
If you have the "Anniversary Edition", you also have the "Anni Basic Game", but since this version does not run well, there is also the option of using the older, more stable "SpellForce 2 - Gold Edition" instead of the "Anni" version to install.
The gold version with all my instructions for installation and configuration and the additional tools for e.g. balanced CPU utilization deliver a perfect gaming experience, without errors!
You should also be able to load old saved games!
The work is definitely worth it, I don't think SF2 looks better than SF3, but from the overall game fun it is better, especially in the handling and the coordination between RPG and strategy!
