11 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.1 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Sep 23, 2014 @ 2:00pm

Magecite is a fun action-platformer with some rouge-like elements and basic crafting thrown in (because everyone loves crafting). Its has decent combat mechanics, and randomly generated maps. I've played a about 8 hours of the single player (haven't beat the game yet) and its a hard yet rewarding game. I've played a bit of multiplayer and I would say that playing with friends brings the game to an other level.

Unfortunatly the online multiplayer feature is EXTREMLY broken and hard to get working. The only instance I've had multiplayer work is when playing over LAN. Hamachi doesn't fix any of the online problems and if you plan on playing with other people you will most likely run in to a brickwall if you try online.

Despite the broken online I enjoy this game and its a fun singleplayer experience and an excelent LAN game, and maybe some day Smashgames will ad a functioning online feature (and they should because they are advertising this as a "Multiplayer RPG Platformer").

My recomendation however is not to buy this game untill they fixed the online feature because they have already sold way to many copies out of a incomplete/broken title. How ever if they do fix it in the future buy the hell out of this game.
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Xekratos Sep 29, 2014 @ 4:05pm 
true, and i agree they should have put it in early access before fixing multiplayer.
Ekan Sep 28, 2014 @ 3:08pm 
Well they did release it instead of putting it on early access so I decided to critique on that premise. I've tried to praise it on what it did good and still be transparent about the problems with the title. I also feel that a title that has been released and promises a multiplayer (with online feature) is missleading at best when the online play is extremely buggy and broken. Personally I feel that it's wrong to recommend an incomplete title (especially one that tries to sell it self as a complete one) no matter how much I enjoy certain aspects of it.
Xekratos Sep 27, 2014 @ 11:54am 
remember that this game is still in development. (not trying to sound like a douche)