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Recent reviews by Roe Jogan

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9.2 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Look to hell with all the stupid award baiting positive reviews. i'll be honest. it's fun as hell playing ground war. you basically get pre made loadouts and start climbing up the ladder, don't expect tactical looking arcade game from it anymore, i mean you can pick operators that look realistic but still have A train run past you and while for some it may break the immersion if you look past it and the fact that matchmaking is horrible with putting you against 250 veteran players in matter of three or two well played rounds, it's fun. personally i haven't expirienced any crashes or bad connection but then again that's a personal expirience so don't take my word for it...unlike some people who defend some games with teeth and nail. anyhow if you look past it's flaws you get a fun, fast, arcade shooter with great customization (after leveling up) and beautiful looking visuals. if you have friends that play it you get even more fun out of it, that's about it.
Posted February 5.
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