5 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 657.4 hrs on record (357.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 20, 2014 @ 5:25pm
Product received for free

no meaningful end game, no viable pvp, constant massive class adjustments, just pointless.....youll hit end game in ~ 5-10hrs and either redo the entire content or move on.
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ccnn24 Mar 31, 2015 @ 6:36pm 
added: ive never seen a game with this many design and coding errors. Its astonishing: R5 will routinely develop some new event/zone/instance/raid/etc and it will INVARIABLY be incomplete (in the sense you literally cant complete a quest).

Firefall has potential, but R5 clearly doesnt have the resources to develop it properly.
FruitieKiller Oct 29, 2014 @ 1:23am 
How did you manage to play close to 400 hours in a game you apparently didn't enjoy?