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40 people found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
I'm not going to complain too much because Gigantic is back and in a pretty nice form. It's not a live service and it's not meant to be updated regularely, which is fine by me.

But I do wish they would have released a Community Edition just like Rising Thunder and Spellbreak did. People would have hosted servers by themselves, it would have been free but most important : it would make sure that the game would virtually live forever.

So that's cool to have Gigantic back in a non live-service form, but now I'm wondering what will happen if the game becomes unplayable again.
Posted April 11.
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20.4 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game is good, it runs fine and looks nice. I will just point out some complaints as I hope those will be worked on until the final release :

- The UI is not clear at all and needs a lot of work. When I have a buff, I can't see when it's going to expire. Idk if there's an icon somewhere but it's not obvious and during gameplay I couldn't find it. Same thing when you spam abilities that are on CD as the UI is somewhat transparent, therefore with all the VFX on combat, you can't really focus on the middle of the screen and it makes it not necessarily practical to actually check your CDs during combat. Same for the smite : it's shown on the small creeps or small buffs, but not on the bosses and I couldn't find what damage my smite is supposed to deal, so it basically was up to luck. You just know you have the CD, but you don't know how much dmg it's going to make.

- The communication system need more work too. I can't find how to write in chat (idk if that's possible, I guess not since I've seen nobody actually writing things), and I kinda hate how I can't unlock the mouse cursor to put the pings manually on the map like in basically every moba. Combined with the lack of chat group it makes it a bit unpractical to actually ask for help on buffs for example. Sometimes people will actually take notice of you spamming pings but most of the time they don't, and that's a nice transition for the next point :

- Back to the UI, not only the visual does need some work but also the sounds, as I feel like the pings just don't warn enough. I know that they don't all need to sound like a red alert, but when calling for defense or saying you're going to gank, the pings kinda feel the same and again, combined with the absence of chat (no voice chat, no text chat) makes it pretty hard to communicate with your teammates

- I don't really understand the shop and there doesn't seem to be an incentive to use it. I just use auto buy on recommended stuff, so far that worked pretty nicely. The problem is that it doesn't teach me how to use it.

- Not really gameplay but I don't think the voice acting is great either. I think some are serviceable while some are just bad, but at least you they don't talk a lot so that's fine. I do remember Paragon being far better in that regard but hey, at least it's not as bad as The Overprime was.

I did find a pretty good guide for beginners on the guides section of the game, which is nice, the community seems pretty useful in that regard and it helped me jumping into the jungle and choosing my champion, if I've made some mistakes in my review or if you know how to answer some of my questions (like how to check the smite dmg or buff's cooldown) then an answer would be much appreciated.

Anyway, definitely worth a try at the very least.
Posted March 29.
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8.6 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Whenever I get tired of Helldivers 2, I play Helldivers 1. Democracy never rests.
Posted February 27.
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153.6 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
« I'm doing my part » became the first thought I have in the morning
Posted February 20. Last edited February 29.
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12.4 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Le jeu est bien, on a un peu cette ouverture façon BoTW même si ça reste assez linéaire à cause des quêtes et du niveau des mobs dans certaines zones, mais ce n'est pas un mal.
Le gameplay est ultra simple, suffit juste de spammer le clic en roulant des fois pour esquiver (ou en laissant appuyer le clic droit pour bloquer, faut juste réparer le bouclier quand il se casse)
Les animations sont super bizarres par contre. Ultra rigides, parfois le personnage ralentit sans trop qu'on sache pourquoi. Mais à part ça, le jeu reste fun, y'a des p'tites idées de game design sympathiques. Niveau donjons par contre on voit bien que c'est ultra simpliste, le jeu sait qu'il peut pas être au niveau de Zelda et il n'essaie même pas.

Je pense quand même que ça aurait mérité quelques améliorations niveau ambiance. Je sens bien que le jeu a essayé d'avoir quelque chose d'un peu « minimal », comme BoTW. Musique assez peu présente dans l'overworld mais .... on manque de bruits de pas par exemple. C'est satisfaisant pourtant dans Zelda de juste marcher dans l'herbe et de gambader en découvrant de nouvelles zones. Ici ça l'est aussi mais bien moins à cause de ce manque d'ambiance et de gamefeel. Y'a pas vraiment d'oiseaux ou d'insectes, les quelques plantes qu'on peut ramasser sont regroupées en carré comme si quelqu'un avait fait une plantation au milieu de nul part.

La traduction est parfois surprenamment bonne malgré parfois quelques erreurs (je dis surprenamment parce que d'habitude sur les jeux indés avec très peu de budget et qui a plusieurs langues, les traductions sont à la ramasse), mais y'a aussi des lignes qui sont simplement en anglais, donc la trad n'est pas complète.

Je conseille aussi de jouer au clavier souris, les contrôles à la manette sont assez dégueulasses (on bouge un curseur dans les menus, comme si on avait une souris, et pour sprinter il faut laisser appuyer le stick gauche alors que sur clavier y'a pas besoin de laisser appuyé, va savoir pourquoi ça peut être changé sur clavier mais pas sur manette)

Bref en vrai je chipote un peu. Le jeu a juste plein de p'tits défauts ci et là, mais vu le prix j'ai pas vraiment le droit de faire le difficile. J'ai pas encore fini mais je compte le faire, il m'a même inspiré pour mes propres projets de jeux et me fait penser que finalement y'a pas besoin d'avoir un budget de AAA pour pouvoir sortir un jeu d'aventure en monde ouvert vraiment sympathique.
Posted February 6. Last edited February 6.
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6 people found this review helpful
3.3 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I think this game needs to be focused on coop PvE because there's sadly not enough players
Haven't played a lot for sure, but ppl said it looked like Fortnite because it's cartoonish but it's actually very stylized, great comic book style, gamefeel is really great, better than most f2p games. I'm not really into extraction shooters but this one does it in a fun way, it's just too bad there aren't many players because it's actually a well made game

Also, haven't struggled with performance issues with default settings just tuned a little bit (turned FSR2 on instead of FSR 1, everything is at max with a GTX 1080 and a 120 fps framerate cap and I don't think I've noticed slow downs)
Posted January 31.
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0.7 hrs on record
I wanted to like it, tested the game before it's release, that's why I have a low time play on the release, but that's because none of the issues I had with the pre-release were changed or fixed.

The mobile port isn't very well made. The controls are laggy as hell, the menus and UI aren't adapted well enough (like the scrollwheel just moves pixel by pixel, you have to slide the cursor like you were on a phone)
And there's gacha. It doesn't seem mandatory unlike genshin, but it's still there. There's also the whole « dailies » stuff, usual in mobile games, and that's a bad point for me.

Honestly if the basic gameplay just felt nice (ie literally just walking around not lagging half a second) and the UI and commands not feeling like a straight mobile port, I probably would have given it a positive review. I loved Valheim, I'm not against alternatives even if they are lesser, I'm sure I would have liked it if the controls didn't felt like emulated mobile slides.

At least Genshin has different UIs for keyboard/mouse, controller or touchscreen, so if Dawnlands change that one day, I'll come back and try again. But I'm not going to dive deep into a game that feels wrong the first second I play.
Posted January 22. Last edited January 22.
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0.0 hrs on record
I don't remember how I already got those but they cool
Posted December 19, 2023.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Why is Twinblast talking like such an idiot ?
Posted November 28, 2023.
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0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Yeah just ... didn't felt good
Didn't liked the music at all, the rythm at which you're supposed to click doesn't feel good and sometimes it's not even in rythm. Also it's only the shooting that can be used in rythm, you can still melee, use abilities whenever you want, there's also no reloading. Feels pretty barebones for a rythm game, compared to something like BPM Bullets Per Minute it's just not good (in this game, reloading and shooting actually feels great)

The BPM doesn't really match the moment you are supposed to click so you can't just shoot by ear when there are regular bumps for example, you have to use the visual cue. Tho I like the change of pace that's forced by the music stopping from time to time but I feel like something could have been done with the melee and all to still have something that asks for rythm in there, it just feels dumb to be able to spam right click like an idiot in a rythm game

Absolutely 0 gunfeel or even just feel at all, I don't feel any feedback from anything I'm doing. Aiming actually feels awful and you are forced to cap your FPS at 60 (by default) or 120, can't have more. Also can't change your binds when you're dead, you have to spawn to open the options menu which is dumb
Posted November 28, 2023.
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