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Posted: Sep 17, 2016 @ 9:12pm

For a game built on Flash by a single Russian guy over the course of two years, Intrusion 2 quite the product.

It plays like a crossover between Contra and Metal Slug. There's not much of a story - you're basically some mercenary with a red scarf sent to a part-forest, part-tundra planet to shoot the crap outta everything, with no narration as to why. But the old school games never did bother with such details, did they? It's short (only 6 levels in total), and aside from the achievements you won't have much reason to replay it, but the experience is fun enough to deserve the purchase. That's about my only complaint, because everything else is just minor gripes.

Each level throws you into over-the-top situations that would feel right at home in some anime or AAA-title setpiece. It's slightly more forgiving, though - there are no limited lives to worry about, no one-hit deaths, checkpoints, and you can save your progress. It has it's tough spots, but nothing that feels unfair or too frustrating. The game also has a physics engine, and it's put to good use. One memorable moment has you traversing a series of floating pontoons over waters infested with large, hostile marine life, while also dealing with enemy soldiers. Since the pontoons keep bouncing around in the water and react the weight of whatever's on them or any nearby explosions, it's possible to knock enemy guards into the water and see them get eaten up by the wildlife. And while on land, the physics engine also applie to any crates, barrels, eplosive propane tanks, or uneven boulders lying around, meaning you can easily weaponize the environment in often goofy ways.

Just like in Metal Slug, there's vehicles to use, this time in the form of a couple of mechs to drive, including a giant wolf which you can mount and ride. And yes, he even chews on enemy soldiers if you let him.

The enemies deserve some mention. While the typical soldiers you'll be gunning down en-masse aren't anything special, the robotic foes are. Many of them have limbs and weakspots which can be individually targeted, and will continue flailing around, trying to pursue you even if their legs/tentacles/arms/whatever have been entirely blown off. The amount of persistence they show is notable as well - once these guys pop up, you'd best try and get rid of them, because they WILL chase you to the end of each level if allowed.

And the final boss? Well let's just say it's got a reputation for being one of the longest, craziest and overall-awesome final boss fights in recent history for those who've beaten it. Heck even the prior two boss fights are pretty damned good!

TL;DR? If you're a fan of old-school sidescrolling shooters, Intrusion 2 is good enough to recommend grabbing even without a Steam Sale going on.
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