30 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.2 hrs on record
Posted: Jul 7, 2016 @ 6:17pm
Updated: Jul 8, 2016 @ 2:50am

There's really no saving grace for this game. It is booooring on so many levels that it is only through a sheer force of will that one can finish it. Short version? Don't buy it. Not even on sale. Not even for $2.
* Triggers: The worst is triggers: practically everything in this game is triggered. There are multiple locations, items and characters that you can interact with only after something arbitrary has happened. But there's no way to tell! So you can go into the tavern for 90% of the game, and have nothing to do there until arbitrary trigger. But since there's no way to know something has changed you can go around for hours not realizing that.
This game is not so much hard as it is simply *tedious*.
* Puzzles that are boring and have absolutely nothing with the plot or the game
* Boring characters, boring plot
* Monotonous, repetative responses. There was zero effort to make the character reply to what you are trying to do. After a while "I don't know what to do with that" for pretty much anything gets super-annoying

Just no.
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