Allana   Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Hewo :) How is everybody? Its been interesting since I started hormones. I've found that I tend to be adorable until I'm suddenly not. So on that note, If we be playing, just know that as I decimate the warzone once known as your skull, I'll have a massive smile on my face :)
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Gunner Nov 27, 2014 @ 8:27pm 
you are one crazy bastard.
Luftwaffles Sep 22, 2012 @ 8:04am 
It takes many, many atrocities to kindle the fury of our ever unmoving mother earth. I commend you on having crossed even that line. Now pay for it.
Luftwaffles Jul 8, 2012 @ 11:24am 
Alph Mike Foxtrot
Luftwaffles Feb 13, 2012 @ 12:20pm 
All men have an innate attraction to things that blew up. This trait in and of itself was normally harmless, and would eventually play out in one of three ways. One: the man would control his pyromaniacal urges and grow up to become someone of little interest. Two: the man would blow off a few fingers before realizing "hey! That was a stupid idea. I'm not doing that again." and, like in case one, become someone of little interest. Three: the man would blow himself apart.

The unifying detail in all three cases is that in the end the man would no longer be able to blow things up.
Luftwaffles Jan 7, 2012 @ 11:00am 
There is no black and white, all there is, is the shade of gray. There is no absolute in this world except for life and death. This is a world were even God can be as much of a sinner as the devil.
Luftwaffles Jan 6, 2012 @ 5:00pm 
War is a tragedy no matter how one sees it. In the midst of the fighting lay death, misery, poverty, destruction and hate; nothing made sense in wars. It is probably, the biggest atrocity of man that makes even mother earth weep. Such a travesty and convoluted life that humans live in. For be it victory or loss, there is only one thing that remains in the heart of people when all of the fighting quells.

It was hatred.