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Recent reviews by AznChristian

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1 person found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
head bobbing causes motion sickness :(
Posted April 7.
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187.1 hrs on record (91.6 hrs at review time)
Class Overhaul makes the game way more fun.
Alot of QOL and you can craft your perfect weapon alot easier now.
Posted October 6, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
The fact the harder mission type start before you get dreadnought is really frustrating and anti-fun...

Feels horribly balanced.
Posted July 30, 2023.
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4.9 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Need to be able to queue 2v2 with friend and not having to remake party would be nice for last stand.
Also game crashes during 1v1 customs
Last stand is also very laggy
I feel that the match making is stilll bugged friend and I had to soloqueue at same time to find a third. We also didn’t place into same party (just two and one) till I joined via friend list
Posted October 22, 2022.
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27.9 hrs on record (27.2 hrs at review time)
Wasted potential.
Time to rez is too low and greatly favors meatball strats.
Sniper is oppresive and unfun. It should have low base dmg and super high headshot multiplayer.
Clarity on what gets priority and what super armor does and doesn't block is needed.

Ranked is lose 50 when you're against higher elo teams and win 20 when you're against higher elo teams.
When its even teams, its lose 75 and win 10. Very unfun and unrewarding.
Posted October 3, 2022. Last edited October 3, 2022.
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8.6 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Coop Doesn't work.
Melee feels clunky.
Controls don't let you bind anything to mouse thumb buttons.

Motion sickness as well, but that was solved with maxing FOV and turning AO and Motion blur to none
Posted February 4, 2022. Last edited February 4, 2022.
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86.9 hrs on record (52.9 hrs at review time)
Class: it's a card systems where you customize your deck of 15 and the game feeds you top down choice of 5 so you can lean depending on the map/mutations (mutations are the enemies cards per mission). as you progress in an act you build your deck.
cards can be general like +25% dmg -30% hp, or weapon specific like +40% melee attack speed and melee stamina efficiency, disable ADS, or healing/support like when you use a heal, all teammates heal for 5, or economy.
Gameplay: at the start of mission you can spend gold at a shop (carriers over to next mission) to buy grenades, ammo, etc.. complete the mission. get currency to unlock more cards/skins/etc. there's 4 families of specials with 3 subclasses, 3 bosses, and things that proc hordes like birds or armed security doors.
guns can have attachments; can't take them off.
the random spawn locations do feel bad though since they can be climbing out of the ground right under you
there's 32 missions and 3 difficutlies atm. pretty big jumps between each of the 3
Posted October 12, 2021.
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43 people found this review helpful
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0.6 hrs on record
Such a waste of money and Steam wouldn't let me refund
Posted October 4, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
131.3 hrs on record (111.3 hrs at review time)
Big Improvement over the stellar Kingmaker.
Difficulty curve is still rough for those new to Pathfinder.
The Tactical Battle Autoresolve needs major work though. I can win a battle with 0 losses without even using general skills, but i lose my entire army with autoresolve.
Posted September 29, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
34.4 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Enjoyable with friends
Posted August 24, 2021.
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