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Shugo Mar 19 @ 5:09am 
This scares the s­h­it out of them because they rely on the usual american ignorance of things for the monomyth of the holocaust to hold up as the state religion. Every documentary on ww2 will at some point have Hitler shown in one of his speeches, but never ever will they show the contents of those speeches. There are never any subtitles, any excerpts. This matched with the school system establishing early in ever child's mind that Hitler and Nazism as the ultimate evil of this world will ensure that few will ever have the inclination to actually know what Hitler saying in the first place. The ki­kes fear the truth more than anything else in this world, remember that.
Shugo Feb 21 @ 4:27pm 
The older I get, the more the opinions of the people from the 1800s make sense.
Shugo Dec 24, 2023 @ 11:18am 
Nursing, as a profession, is basically 4chan for single mothers. It’s just to give some of them a place to be so they don’t commit suicide or wreck something else.
Shugo Nov 21, 2023 @ 10:45am 
During drafts they’ll take anyone. During Vietnam they took literal re­tards with diagnosed mental handicaps.

You people NEED to realize these wars are meant to depopulate and destroy fighting age men.
Shugo Jun 23, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
The John Redcorn aspect of this show is why I stopped watching it. I just wish Dale would have eventually found out and murdered both of john and the who­­re. I would tune back in if that happened. Some people are cool with adultery and can just move on no matter how many times it happens, but for me it is the worst thing ever.
Shugo Mar 1, 2023 @ 9:03pm 
Putin never called me nazi
Putin never tried to force CRT on my kids.
Putin never said America should be less white.
Putin never said “abolish whiteness”.
Putin never called me an incel.
Putin never called me a racist.