ent / mage / maker
I like videogames sometimes

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Review Showcase
18.7 Hours played
Soulstice presents a flawed but incredibly engaging combat, interesting characters and ungodly cool visuals

+First of all, the camera is classic spectacle fighter, akin to the classic dmc era. This is NOT a bad thing. Its totally legitimate for you to not like a camera type but it does not make it a bad choice. This does not have any fromsoft-esque antagonistic camera.
+Every cinematic is framed beautifully. I couldnt stop myself from taking too many screenshots, every single one of these scenes is packed with action and is masterfully composed.
+The combat starts a bit barebones, but when you leave behind the early game it really opens up.
+This game managed to get right what the dmc reboot did very wrong; the red/blue enemy mechanic is really well done here, it forces you to make interesting decisions in combat but does not prevent you from the enjoying the combat the way you want to.
+The point system rewards creativity and incentivizes beying stylish, I really like the addition of the combat actions glossary.
+Decent array of enemies and encounters.

-The level design is not really diverse, specially in the first third of the game.
-Weird difficulty spikes at times, also one or two bosses needed a bit more time in the oven.
-The challenges are very hit or miss.
-I despise the repentant with every fiber of my being.
Favorite Guide
Created by - alesuot
26 ratings
Guía sinxela para cambiar os textos orixinais do Nuclear Throne por unha tradución completa ao galego (ILG-RAG).
Screenshot Showcase
The Complex: Found Footage
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51 hrs on record
last played on Apr 24
786 hrs on record
last played on Apr 24
6 hrs on record
last played on Apr 23
Apestado Dec 24, 2023 @ 2:45am 
 ' * .*  🎅.🎅 '*  * *
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  *  ' 🎄:...:🎄:...:🎄  ' * . .
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 * * 🎄:..:🎅..🎅:..:🎄    '  *
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  .  🎄:.:+🎅+.+🎅+:.:🎄 . * *
 * . ⭐⭐.⭐.⭐.⭐.⭐⭐ * ' 
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⭐ Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo⭐
Salem Colt Nov 6, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
Allahu Akbar
Salem Colt Nov 6, 2023 @ 1:50pm 
Deus Vult infidel,
Pakillo el Metales Sep 30, 2023 @ 4:02pm 
ola deverias de jugar
Corpas Sep 21, 2023 @ 7:25pm 
Como este perfil não tem nada de interessante vou ensinar a fazer churros:
200g de farinha de trigo sem fermento
250 ml de água
50g de manteiga
1 casquinha de limão
Sal q.b.
3 ovos
Óleo para fritar
Açúcar para polvilhar
Canela para polvilhar
1. Num tacho leve ao lume a água.
Tempere com umas pedrinhas de sal.
Junte a casca de limão e a manteiga.
Deixe ferver.
2. Logo que comece a ferver, retire a casca de limão e adicione a farinha.
Mexa até descolar do tacho.
Coloque a massa numa tigela e deixe arrefecer um pouco
patt Aug 22, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
gato cojones webos