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60.7 hrs on record
Well, it's nostalgia, so there's that.

It is a fun game, but doesnt excel in anything.
Although it is fun to play as Robocop, true to the movies the game is quite linear with a lot of running back and forth in the same mission, A bit cheap writing to prolongue the game.
The RPG elements aren't bad, but on the other hand even if you do all the side quests the story is too short to be able to max all skills. At best you'll be able to max 60% or so of all the skills.
That's dissapointing, especially since you will need to max your defencive skills either way, so the RPG elements are pretty much a fake.

The main story is fun, and there are a few side missions in each "chapter" but all in all the game is lacking in content. I finisched the game in 60h and that's mostly AFK time...

Still, if you love robocop it's deff worth it, and I hope the devs will keep working on a Robocop 2 game for example because the bases here are pretty good.
Posted December 25, 2023.
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70.8 hrs on record (60.5 hrs at review time)
Been playing this for years. It only recently came to steam.

This is an actual free to play game. Sure, it has a "batllepass" but you can buy it with ingame credits.
If you really want, you can get everything the game has to offer completely free. All you need is patience by completing the daily/weekly "quests"

It is on par with the paper version, constant new card sets and thus Meta is relevant.
Weekly new events, opportunities for both new players as veterans. Some of the weeklies are actually very cool and interesting to spend time in.

As far as online gaming goes, nothing beats Arena in Magic. MTGO is good too, but there it's pay to win/play.

Downsides, definatilly:
-Matchmaking has always been very fishy in this game, once you win too much you will be pitched against decks that are naturally stronger vs your own deck. This can be very very frustrating.
-If you play completely free you are depending on the dailies, and then it's a question of patience. You want to do your dailies to earn enough gold to enter an event where you can win Gems. You will need a few of those to earn enough Gems to buy Packs, which will give you gold cards, which you can trade for any card possible, and then you can finally build your T1 deck and start winning. It gets better over time since you collect more cards but this may seem dreadfull to some.

All in all it is still the best Magic format that there is. Completely free if you want, and if you do your dailies/weeklies there will come a time that you don't need to spend money at all.
Posted December 18, 2023.
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484.0 hrs on record (208.4 hrs at review time)
Hi all,

Usually I don't do reviews untill I finished the game, but givven the massive content of Starfield I'm going to go ahead anyway and break one of my few rules.

True to Bethesda, Starfield plays and feels like skyrim/Fallout in space. This is the base, if you like either one of those games, you will like this.
Since this is merely the beginning, I'm expecting Bethesda to bring out more DLC which will expand on the already massive content right now.

As per usual there is an abundance of quests, be it main, side or missions. I'm 200h down and haven't even givven the main story priority.
Here are some things that make this game an absolute must buy for SF fans:
-Spacefights in spaceships.
-An abundance of different spaceships to buy with different characteristics.
-The possibility to create your own spaceship as you wish!
-Outposts, you can build/create your own outposts on any planet (if you have the skill), let it do what you want, and assign crewmemebers to it that you have recruited along the way.
-As per usual by Bethesda your choice have consequences, you can be be bad, or good, or something inbetween, but everything has it costs/rewards. Paired with the incredibly good written story/sidequests this is fantastic.
-Expect everything that was good about Fallout/skyrim to be here.

As per usual some mods will make the gameplay much more fun. I strongly strongly suggest you these 3: unlimited Cargo hold on your ship, Unlimited credits for vendors and one of the achievement enablers so you still get these. It's not really cheating but it will make the game much more enjoyable, trust me. It will merely save you a lot of time trying to sell gear to make a litlle money.

One downside though: you NEED an SSD. I bought this and was playing on a HDD and it stuttered all the time. Just for this game I bought an SSD and reinstalled everything, it works like a charm ever since (And I'm never going back to a HDD!!) . So yes, that's a setback I guess, but I bought a 2tb SSD for 100€ so at least the prices have mellowed down there.

I can only recommend this game. I have bought a few AAA games the last months but to be honest, everything has to wait untill I "finish" this one and that may be a while.
Absolutely GOTY for me.
Posted October 22, 2023. Last edited October 22, 2023.
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113.1 hrs on record
FF7 was the best RPG I ever played back in the days on PSX.
A remake got me abosulety excited untill I read it was only a part of the story.

So i'm going to be honest here ok: It Actually IS only a small part of the story!! And that is an absolute ripp off for fans of the first hour like me. I think the true fans will be massively dissapointed by that. but also for fans like me: i'm not going to spoil anything as the story is something you want to play yourself.

This has been, once more the best RPG I ever played, just as it was almost 30 years ago. On that i can only congratulate the devs. To amaze such a critical gamer as me twice, with the same game is absolutely incredible.

This being, said, as it is only a small part of the original FF7 game/story and we PC players will always tagg behind to console players fot two years I'd say: buy this deffinitely in a sale! The game is awesome, but it's merely a part of the original FFVII And that is a shame. That truly hurts as an absolute FFVII fan.

FFVII was the best game I ever played for years and this is literally a better version of it, but decapitated. So I love to hate it but I hate to love it simultaneously. It's a great game but if played the original you will be left acking. Then again, if you played the original and are reading this then you are a fan of the original and then, You really want to play this game, trust me.
Posted July 11, 2022.
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47.5 hrs on record
A very fun and remarkebly refreshing game.
You only get to play as Star lord, and although the combat is quite fun, the base of it is commanding your teammates (and yourself) trough a mini menu during combat. Big hint: change your settings so when you pull up the menu, the time stops. Before I did this it was often irritating because while you are selecting who should do what, you will take damage and so do your teammates, or the situation has changed by the time you decided. Once you make it pauze while in the menu, the game becomes awesome.
Music is fantastic!!
Graphics are great, very alien and colourfull. Like watching a SW movie. I loved it all.

The story is fun, an adaptation of the Infinity war if you're into the comics. (the sequel of the Infinity Gauntlet). I'd say they pulled it off nicely, which is surprising since I usely want everything to folow the comics.

Combat and story is great.
The constant arguments between the guardians, literally everywhere is fantastic!
The humor and light hearted side of this group has been maxed in this game. Huddle up? what a fantastic and original feat that makes this game perfect.

Sometimes you are simply stuck with no clues where or what to do. Happened a handfull of times to me and it's annoying.
Bugs. I needed to reload a few times because I was literally stuck somewhere, or the story wouldn't proceed for no reason. Again, for a triple A game this shouldn't be the case.
Sometimes the camera is just off resulting in you being blind.
Extreme lagg while in your ship. For an offline game this is unforgivable. Fortunately this only occurs inside the ship and not during missions, but it really ruins the mood. It makes the game feel like a poor console port.

All in all, a great game, and although it has its flaws, its absolutely worth to get it, even at full price.
If you are a fan of marvel, do not hesitate.
If you are a fan of the MCU and you liked the guardians there: do not hesitate!
If you like SciFi: do not hesitate.
If you like a good story in single player games: Do not hesitate.

All in all: 7.5/10. Too bad for the stupid bugs, otherwise this would be game of the year for me.
Posted January 17, 2022.
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91.6 hrs on record
Just finished the game so it's review time.

Outriders is a Third person shooter, in a SciFi setting. The world is linear, with a few options here and there but this is absolutely no open world game. If you are someone that wants to complete it all, this means simply fast travelling back and forth to previously unlocked locations to turn in quests.
This game is really a 100% Destiny clone. You get to choose a few classes, they all only have 3 powers, and your gear has perks that can upgrade your class powers. There is some crafting too, which is very nice because during levelling you can upgrade your gear to your favorite powers and it's actually cheap so it's deffinately worth it!
The game uses world tiers as difficulty setting. It's not new and it works well, apart from the fact that the game is actually pretty difficult if you play on the highest world tier (and you really need to do that because that defines the loot you'll get). The only solution for this is playing co op. And they made this incredibly good! You can play everything, from the entire storyline to all the sidemissions in co op. The game becomes half as hard on ANY World tier when you co op.

Apart from that, the story is absolutely fantastic. And that alone is worth getting this game. In the end I was playing solo, so I turned down the World Tier just to finish the game and learn the story end.

+Classes are well done. Again very much Destiny like.
+Powers are very easy to understand, and actually make a difference
+You need to switch your powers constantly depending on when you're facing humans or monsters
+If you turn the difficulty down, you really feel like a god.
+Story and sidequests are all incredibly good. You get drawn in and want to play to learn how it all unfolds!
+Batlle mechanics are simple and easy to learn.
+Co op is awesome and that is where the game shines!
+Graphics and creativity is great!

-bugs: there are still quite a few bugs in this game, mainly the tracking of quests. Which is awfull. On top of that, it has been known for a long time and the devs did not solve it yet.
-Pathfinding. If you want to do a sidequest you must do completely unlogical things prior to the side quest being trackable. Since the map does not give you ANY orientation at all, this is hell. You will be just randomly running around hoping to find the right entrance point. Which is a complete waste of time.
-Difficulty. You always want to be playing on the highest World tier, as that's the only place you will get the best loot. But many fights are so hard, for each class differently that you are forced to downgrade the difficulty to beat a boss. I'm going to be honest here: The las 2 hours I was sick of the impossible bosses but I wanted to finish the story so I simply downgraded the world tier so I could enjoy the game again. This should not happen. This means the game is unbalanced.
-Replayability is useless. Once finished, the game is a grind of the same, over and over again. And there is actually no reason as to do it! Unlike Destiny 2, there is no endgame really.
-Class/level cap is way too early. You do not get class points at every level up, which makes it so that your builds are very limited. On itself not so bad, but now you are stuck with at least 10 class points too few to feel satisfied. This is actually the worst in the game IMHO. You're supposed to feel like gods, but they nerf you before you can even start.
-Grinding. It's the exact same content, over and over again if you want to reach best gear. It is extremely boring very fast because the lack of content. Don't get me wrong, the campaign is worth it to get this game, but the end game is not! Having one or two co op friends will make the entire game 200% more fun though.

Conclusion: 6.5/10. Awesome story and experience, but this is a complete destiny clone minus the end game and options. Most fun is with friends, making it hard for solo players Get it on a sale! I do recommend it because the gameplay is fun and the stories are fantastic.
Posted December 26, 2021.
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356.3 hrs on record (355.2 hrs at review time)
Since I reached end game, its a good time to write a review.
This is my first Forza game, so I have no experience with the previous titles, but I do enjoy a good race game.
Forza Horizon is an arcade racer from start to finish. If you are into sims this is absolutely not for you.
There are many similarities with The Crew. It's a big map, open world where you earn influence by doing all kinds of races.
Unlike the Crew though, this game is pure racing fun, so don't expect stupid planes or boats like in The Crew!
Horizon is actually better in every single aspect then the Crew, apart perhaps the map, which is bigger in The Crew.
Everything in Horizon oozes with Arcade, cars are very easy to drive, the races are clear (apart cross country), you even have the rewind button from the very first Grid!
There are a few "stories" which is basically just a series of 10 races each. Everything you do earns you influence which in turn lets you level up.
There are 3 currencies. Money, influence and forza points, which you can earn by playing the weekly events.
As a good arcade game demands: you usually have enough of each to buy/do whatever you want and that is another example of just how good this game is.
With 700+ cars, and the chance to tune every single one into another class you can't complain about the cars.
On top of that there are hundreds of races, plus some special races plus the weekly events that add 5 more races where you can earn forza points, plus the DLC wich add two more entire maps plus the online multiplayer part of Forza. The content is immense.

there are only a few cons I found, and those are actually dependent on personal taste. For example I do not like the online adventures myself, which for me is the actual endgame.


-When playing online adventures you may experience EXTREME long loading!
-the bigger trees = full stop. This is very annoying in online games where you do cross country (you only have the finish line, how you reach it is your own choice)
-Some tracks, especially online are just made to miss your checkpoint. When that happens you may as well give up because there is no way you will win anymore. Which brings me to another annoyance: people constantly giving up when they lose one race, because online races consist of a series of best out of 3 or 5 races...
-When playing online and you smack against a wall, you will get a penalty. Although I understand the reasoning, it is beyond irritating if you get a penalty when you where last already... This is useless.
-The online games are very beginner unfriendly. You need to know the maps (for cross country) but the races are won by a handfull of cars, which you will need to aqcuire if you ever want to win one race. Luckely that is quite possible because you can trade/buy cars in the auction house from players.

As you can see, the only cons I found are all related to the online races, and that's a very personal taste I admit.


+The diversity of the cars is incredible. Almost every brand is represented and unlike other arcade racers, not all cars feel the same! Very well done. Some cars are very easy to get/buy, while others can only be won, or you need to win them by luck. However thanks to the auction house you can buy literally every car from another player and since the community is very alive, that will never be a problem!
+Customisation. from liveries to tunings. You can try it yourself, or you can buy them from other players.
+Tuning. You can tune every car into another class as you wish. And also modify the cosmetic look of the car. Personally I suck at tuning but that's no problem since you can just buy the tunings from other players that love it. If you are into tuning I think this game has twice the lifetime because the options are endless.
+It's Arcade. I love arcade! This is the first arcade racer that beat the original Grid imho. It's awesome.
+Content is mindblowing. Even if you never do online there is a weekly event that can keep you in for a long long time.
+End game is pretty much endless, be it the weekly events, or the online adventures to increase your rank.
+Seasons! each week, with a new event comes the next season. Expect your car to react differently on the same road when wet, dry or in snow.
+PvP is different. You may need to get used to it. It's capture the flag/or a game of tagg with cars. This will not be for everyone. But you can also do online adventures which are 4 kind of races, selected randomly, with a class of cars also selected randomly. These are the cars you really need to get.
+FE Cars. You can earn some sort of spinning wheel chance game at level ups/prices for events. In these you can win ultra rare cars, money, comsetics etc. One of these rare cars are Forza edition cars of a regular car. These have an extra bonus attached to them!
+DLC. Lego land is amazing fun to cruise trough and Fortune Island gives you an easy way to earn 10 million credits! Both are of course filled with tons of additional races :)

All in all this is the best Arcade racer I have ever played!
8/10 for me. I'm not overly fond of the online part, or it would have been 9/10!

It is expencive, I know but it's actually worth it. When on sale do not hesitate. Not a second! Get it!
Posted July 25, 2021. Last edited July 25, 2021.
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72.3 hrs on record
It's a decent game. Typical Deus ex really.
However this time you are restricted all the way to mid-game as to what skilles you can take. This was a bad choice if you ask me.

The game is very linear too, which isn't necesseraly a bad thing but it feels outdated very often.
Gameplay and story are actuallt fantastic. Gameplay is nothing new, typically Deus ex, but the story is once again very well done. I will not say this is the best deus ex game though as I feel that is the previous one, but all in all this delivers everything you expect from a deus ex game. It's basically more of the same.

What I DON'T like is the DLC where you have to restart with only a handfull of skills and gear every single time. So it does not matter if you have a fully functional character at the end of the game, because every DLC will strip all that away from you and make you restart. So basically the DLC is the exact same game you played for the first 10 hours. Therefore this game gets a measly 6/10.

Although the entire game is good, it is never new or exciting. the DLC is absolutely bad unless you like to pay to get nerfed.

Overall rating: 6/10. Would be 7.5/10 if not for cheap ass DLC where you are asked to spend real money to buy your skills again... Still after all, a typicall deus ex game, which is always fun.
Posted July 20, 2021.
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101.7 hrs on record
After Cyberpunk I was looking for more of the same. I discovered I had not played the last two Deus Ex games so bought them.

This is a good game, I would not say it is as good as Cyberpunk though, although many people advertise that here.
The game is linear, with a hint of open world but it is basically just a series of maps, where you have multiple entry points. So this is not an open world.

Graphics are ok, be it a litlle outdated.
The story though is very good, with a focus on your choices during the game. For once choices really do matter and will come back to you the further you go in the story. Story on itself is great and you want to play all the time to see how it unfolds.

What I didn't like though, is A: by the end of the game you did not unlock everything in your skilltree. So basically you need to replay the game to use a different build to see what the different skills do. IMHO a RPG should give you all the skills way before the endgame so you can enjoy them in all ways possible to your chosing.
B: during the story, even though you planned your skills carefully in certain bossfights the augments(skills) are disabled. I found this highly disturbing. It is a cheap way of making fights harder but it also gives you the finger when you carefully planned your agments.

All in all it is a great game, a bit short and for me no replayability since the game is pretty much linear. You can replay to make different choices though which will affect certain fixed moments trough the game. However the story is the reason to play it. Also the variety to take on each encounter is very nice.

Graphics: 7.5/10
Story: 9/10
Difficulty: moderately hard to learn, very hard to master on highest difficulty.
Content: 7/10 it's a linear story, no open world, although good, it's also pretty short
Replayability: 5/10 I'm not interested in replaying, I'll just go on to the next Deus ex.

All in all, I do recommend it, it is a fun game to play for a while and the story is it's core.
Posted January 23, 2021.
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538.0 hrs on record (242.2 hrs at review time)
241h. that's how long it took to finish cyberpunk. I did do most (but not all) of the sidequests too before i finished the main story.

At least 1 third of that time was AFK though, but that's the same for all my games.
so, it has been a fun ride. Waited more then a year for this game and it gave me what I expected. But also didn't fulfill the entire hype that was built around it.

It is a lot like Deus Ex. so if you do not like thise games, this will not be for you either. For sci-fi fans a la Blade runner/Deus ex this is very much fun. You play in an open world a la Batman Arkham city but in a Blade runner setting. The city is full of life but not as lively/reactive as for example GTA5. Content is scripted and non responsive really. It does not matter much really but it makes you wonder how much more immersive this game could have been if they put more work in it.

You play a Merc with a second personality in your head, played by keanu reeves. The storie(s) are fantastic! Voice acting all over the place and most side stories also have lengthy voice acting and cut scenes. You really feel like you are playing a great sci-fi book! Content is huge in the beginning, but after a while you start to realise most content is recycled, encounters are based around the same topic: steal this/kill all. However you have multiple ways to solve each encounter based on your skills and preference.

Character development is cool, but a lot like deus Ex. Unfortunately they do not explain this well so it would be wise to focus on 2 or 3 of the skill ladders and play the entire game based on those. this being said, each encounter will go as you wish: guns blazing, stealth with guns, stealth with hacking and every combination of these three. Only downside is, you can not respecc, and the best skills are behind a wall of 20 ability points meaning you really want to plot your path from the beginning so you get 20 point in at least 2 skilltrees.

Personally I loved the game, but I am well aware this game is not perfect and not nearly as good as the hype promised. So here goes.


-Content may be repetitive.After your 50th crime scene you basically lose interest and just walk in gun blazing to solve it in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes with stealth/hacking

-Car behaviour and lack of content therein. There is one story involving races, which is awesome but what we really want is 10 times more of that content. You get to collect a lot of cars/bikes if you want, but there simply is no need to, This is a shame, I would have loved to see an entire side story with endless races. A missed chance if you ask me. Controls feel a bit clunky too but I can live with that.

-Character development. This should have been much better. You will finish the game before you reach max skills/gear. It is very dissapointing to put 20 ability points into crafting only to realize that by the time you craft your legendary guns of choice, or legendary armor it became a moot point. You can finish this game with no problems whatsoever with blue/purple gear. there is very litlle reason to craft your own legendary gear. Same goes for skill development. At some point it feels useless and frustrating. I never got to experience maxed skill trees because I finished the game and lost interest after that.

-Content. Although 200h seems cool, i was expecting double to be honest. The story is fantastic, but it's all too short. I was hoping there would be more content after you finish the story but there really isn't much left afterwards.

-Bugs. there are quite a few bugs around. Nothing game breaking though. But I did have to reload a save 2 times because a bug interfered with progress. This should not be the case with a triple A game.


+Atmosphere! this is exactly as promised. A city full of anarchy, rebels, shady corps, Blade runner mood. I love it!

+Story or stories. Absolutely fantastic. the main story is incredibly good, starring Keanu reeves and it keeps you wanting to play more because you really really want to know how it unfolds. apart from that there are many side stories that are just as exciting. It's been since the witcher 3 that I have been so impressed by a storyline(s)!

+Combat, it is simple, fast, fluid. And you have options all over how to approach every single encounter. there are only a few core weapons but it is rewarding to focus on your weapon of choice, invest some skills in them and grow troughout the game. By the end you become an absolute monster with your number one weapon.

+Night city is amazing. A lot is going on everywhere.

+Graphics are superb. Exactly what you expect from a game in this time and age.

All in all, i can only recommend this game. The story alone is a reason to get it. If price is an issue, i can understand as it is not bug free, and there will be dlc later on I gues to add more content so then waiting for a sale or more dlc may be wise. But for me personally this has been a great game! I totally recommend it if you like sci-fi and a good story.

7.5/10 for me. More content would make this a solid 8 or more.
Posted January 9, 2021.
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